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The Face of Our Friends 2010

By July 24, 2010September 16th, 2023No Comments

Dear Friends,

Gayle Graham YatesAt the September meeting of the Friends of the University of Minnesota Libraries board, members were asked what instigated their interest in serving on this board. Almost every one of us told of happy memories of library use as a child—school libraries, bookmobiles, neighborhood libraries, or library service through the mail. Thus, even though the 14 libraries, the numerous special collections and reference and research sources, the various technological resources, the thousands of rare and current books and periodicals, and the many expert librarians of the University Libraries are a far cry from our childhood libraries, there is an invaluable link. Like the elementary school library or the city branch library down the street, the University Libraries connect for us the excitement and the reassurance that no end of knowledge is available and accessible to us at that place we call “the library.”

Likewise, all Friends of the Libraries, not only the board, can find at the University Libraries deeper and increasingly varied avenues to current information and fuller understanding of subjects far and wide. Those of us who earned our degrees from this university, even just a few years ago, are often astonished to learn of changes in currents of knowledge and prevailing systems of thought when we tap into today’s library holdings and offerings.

The Friends of the Libraries sponsor several special events—some wholly social, some intellectual, some both—each year. This past year we had a Feast of Words evening with dinner and speaker James Kakalios of the U’s School of Physics and Astronomy, an afternoon musical delight with VocalEssence conductor and pianist Philip Brunelle and soprano Maria Jette, and an Annual Dinner with well-known writer Patricia Hampl. The Friends also supported the Libraries in its celebration honoring the 100th birthday of former Minnesota Governor and Libraries benefactor Elmer L. Andersen, complete with an exhibition exploring Andersen’s impact on the University, the state, and the nation.

It is an extraordinary opportunity to be a Friend of the Libraries, and the other Friends are a part of what makes this service a pleasure. Energetic, creative, highly intelligent, well-educated and imaginative, the current board of the Friends includes committee chairs Pete Magee, a scientist and former U dean; Jan Price, a librarian with the Metropolitan Council; Emily Anne Tuttle, a former Minnesota state senator; Karen Koepp, an editor with the Minnesota Orchestra; Judy Hornbacher, a retired secondary education administrator; and Dennis Johnson, a retired college president. The group, working closely with Friends coordinator Lanaya Stangret, development director Kathy McGill, and university librarian Wendy Pradt Lougee, are planning several initiatives for the coming year, one being special attention to preservation and conservation. The Friends board members are looking forward to becoming better informed about preservation and conservation of library materials and to our developing support for the professional librarians tasked with this vital work.

Being a Friend of the Libraries is a great position to be in. It is fun, educationally expansive, and socially a joy. I recommend it highly. It keeps our brains working, our social skills oiled, and smiles of discovery on our faces.

Gayle Graham Yates
President, Friends of the Libraries

Thank you to our Friends and Supporters

This list recognizes all contributions to the University of Minnesota Libraries for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2009. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, errors may occur. If we have omitted your name or listed your name incorrectly, please contact Lanaya Stangret at 612-624-9339 or

Become a Friend of the Libraries

Private support is essential as we seek to fulfill our mission to inspire learning and discovery through information resources, collaboration, and expertise; your financial contributions enable us to remain at the forefront of academic libraries. Basic membership in the Friends is $40 each year; at the $80 level, you will receive borrowing privileges.

To join, or for more information about the Friends, visit, call 612-624-9339, or e-mail

University of Minnesota Libraries Advisory Boards and Board Members

The University Libraries rely on the generous financial contributions of the donors included in this listing. Many others give their time as well, serving on the boards of the friends groups or volunteering their talents for projects throughout the organization. We wish to thank all our donors and volunteers for their invaluable support.

Friends of the University of Minnesota Libraries

Marjorie Bingham

David Brown

Mary Louise Fellows

Susan Hill Gross

Michael Hancher

Judy Hornbacher

Dennis Johnson

Robert Karon

Karen Koepp

Sandy Davis Lerner

Pete Magee

Paul Nagel

Jan Price

Marguerite Ragnow

Emily Anne Tuttle

John Wright

Gayle Graham Yates, President

Friends of the Andersen Horticultural Library

Katherine A. Allen

Eleanor J. Andersen

Jane Johnson

Richard Owen

Ed Roy

Paul Schlick, President

Kerlan Friends

Christine Alfano

Susan Carr Brown

Maggie Cords

Nancy Caffoe

Kim Faurot

David Geister

Margaret Hall

Karen Hoyle, Ex-Officio

Maythee Kantar

Joyce Sidman

Jean Stevenson, President

Associates of the James Ford Bell Library

Brent Bauer

Ford W. Bell

Ellen George

Victoria Keller

Martin Kellogg

Bill Moran, Chair

Diane Neimann

Francie Nelson

William D. Phillips

Marguerite Ragnow

Jacalyn Stephens

Wilson Yates

Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections

Philip Bergem

John Berquist

Lucy Brusic

Michael Eckman

Tim Johnson

C. Paul Martin

Julie McKuras

Michael McKuras

Steven Stilwell

Richard Sveum, President

Gary Thaden

Friends of the Tretter Collection

Anguksuar (Richard LaFortune)

Shamey Cramer

Ralf Dose, M.A.

Jesse Field

James Garlough

Gregory Gronseth

Anne Hodson

Timothy Johnson

R. Arvid Nelsen

Angie Nichols

Anne Phibbs

Adam Robbins

Linnea Stenson, Chair

Jean-Nickolaus Tretter

Lisa Vecoli

Phil Willkie

Endowing a Love of Reading

Dr. Robert McCollister, who spent 40 years on the U medical school faculty and still sees patients at the Boynton Clinic, loves reading and the role of the library in encouraging a love for literature and reading. In 2007, he and his wife Virginia endowed the McCollister Collection for Contemporary Literature, housed in Wilson Library.

Historically, the Libraries have only been able to purchase a limited number of popular fiction titles for its collection. The McCollister endowment has created a special section of contemporary fiction and non-fiction for the use and appreciation of the University’s faculty and students. The collection has proved very popular, with a high circulation rate and many positive comments from users, including “thanks for the fun books!” and “the new books shelf is great; I love being able to stop by the library and browse them.”

Endowing a Love of Books

As founder of the Minnesota Center for the Book Arts, U law school alumna Bj Fesler sees books as something more than containers for information. This bibliophilia led her to create, along with her late husband David, a fund to support the special and rare book collections in Andersen Library. The David R. and Elizabeth P. Fesler Endowment for Special Collections has made possible the acquisition of local and regional work by fine press printers and book artists, and in a few cases, work from beyond the Midwest. In fact, the Fesler endowment has turned an artist book collection that was fairly small a decade ago into “one of the finest collections in the country,” as one book artist recently told curator Tim Johnson.

Gratitude to Old Teachers: Collecting Robert Bly


When I first learned that the papers of poet Robert Bly were to be sold, I felt strongly they should remain in Minnesota, where Bly grew up and built his influential career as a literary and cultural pioneer. This opinion was quickly seconded by my friend Rob Rulon-Miller, a nationally recognized antiquarian book and manuscript expert based in St. Paul.

Appraiser John Wronoski of Boston assessed Bly as “by any account among the most important of living poets” and his archive as “among the most extensive and complete we have encountered or of which we are aware for any author of his generation (or a subsequent generation).” Mr. Wronoski established a value of $775,000.

I agreed to work with the staff of the University Libraries Archives and Special Collections to raise the funds necessary for the acquisition. The story proved an easy one to tell, for in his fifty years of prodigious literary and cultural accomplishment Bly amassed an international following of devoted readers and supporters. Through my own participation in the Minnesota literary community and the Great Mother Conference founded by Bly, I was able to gather a broad-based committee of Bly admirers committed to the purchase.

Among the dozens of people critical to this effort, I can mention only a few. Manuscripts curator Al Lathrop (now retired) and Kathy McGill of the development office of the University Libraries provided essential intellectual and strategic support. David Whetstone, who has accompanied Bly on sitar in poetry concerts for more than twenty years, pointed me toward Bly friends he believed would be helpful. Among those was New York poet Myra Shapiro, a devoted student of Bly, and her businessman husband Harold. When Harold, an experienced fundraiser, agreed to join me as co-chair of the campaign, I knew we had the tools to complete our financial task.

In 1993, Robert Bly published the poem “Gratitude to Old Teachers.”

When we stride or stroll across a frozen lake,

We place our feet where they have never been.

We walk upon the unwalked. But we are uneasy.

Who is down there but our old teachers?

Water that once could take no human weight—

We were students then—holds up our feet,

And goes on ahead of us for a mile.

Beneath us the teachers, and around us the stillness.

The 2006 acquisition of the Robert Bly papers, held now in the Elmer L. Andersen Library, represents the gratitude of hundreds of volunteers and contributors who believe that the lessons of our “old teacher” should remain accessible to support the “uneasy” feet of future generations of students. On a related note, I was privileged to serve with Elmer L. Andersen on a nonprofit board and to interview him not long before his death. My admiration for Elmer Andersen made my efforts on behalf of the archive he believed in and endowed all the more sweet.

$100,000 and above

Andersen Book Trust
Ann G. Salovich Estate*
Anonymous Donors

$50,000 to $99,999

Association for Computing Machinery Inc.
H B Fuller Co Foundation
Muriel M. Orcutt Estate*

$25,000 to $49,999

Gary W. Harm*
Dr. Michael D. & Wendy Pradt Lougee

$10,000 to $24,999

Helena Hernmarck
James Ford Bell Trust for the University of Minnesota
Jacqueline N. Jones
Julia A. Kelly
Dr. Robert J. & Virginia S. McCollister
Hugh G. Rouse & Leonard R. Olds
Harold & Myra Shapiro
Sheldon S. & Ellen D. Sturgis
YMCA of the USA

$5,000 to $9,999

Dr. Cornelia W. Ooms Beck
Richard & Doris Dale
Dr. Fred R. Erisman
Joel & Nancy Ann Shinder
Winston R. & Maxine H. Wallin

$1,000 to $4,999

3M Foundation Inc.
Best Buy Purchasing LLC
Blackwell’s Book Services
John P. Borger
Eleanor Butler Cameron Estate*
Christopher G. Cardozo
Drs. Edward J. & Arlene E. Carney
John Cowles III
Jean E. D’Amico
Mrs. Julius E. Davis
Martha N. Douglas
Dr. John P. Driscoll
Ezra Jack Keats Foundation Inc.
Bernard W. & Norma B. Gaffron
Dr. John A. Hansen
Gregg Hildebrandt
Warren H. & Marilyn P. Hollinshead
Dr. Geraldine B. & Jack B. King
Melvin Kirschner
Reid V. MacDonald
Virginia J. Maher
Minnesota Orchestra Norwegian Explorers of Minnesota Inc.
Owen H. & Sarah D. Wangensteen Trust Fund
Prof. Stephen & Dr. Julianne H. Prager
Robert Rulon-Miller
Debra Mitts Smith
Dr. Richard J. Sveum
Barbara F. Weissberger
Patrick Wilkerson

$500 to $999

Prof. Ann Waltner & Robert Anholt
Michael & Natalie J. Bachelder
Eric Beesemyer
Dr. Barbara A. Burke
Jonathon D. Coltz
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
Dr. Clifford C. Fortin
Dr. Brian R. Gabrial
R. J. Hoyle & Dr. Karen Nelson Hoyle
Robert W. Jackson
David J. Klaassen
Solveig M. Kramer
Dr. Russell H. & Karen A. Larsen
Harry J. and Sandy D. Lerner
Adam M. Lerner
Prof. Paul T. & Beatrice B. Magee
MaryAnne & John J. Mauriel Jr.
Glen S. Miranker
North American Manx Association
Prof. Daniel A. & Patricia C. Panshin
Lois J. & Robert R. Pflueger
Mrs. Howard C. Pierce
Red Balloon Bookshop
Frank N. Ricchiazzi
Curtis L. Roy
Sagalyn Family Fund
Richard A. Scarlett
Joseph F. & Patricia G. Slate
Terry L. & Virginia M. Tranter
Dr. Stephanie Cain Van D’Elden

$1 to $499

The 106 Group Ltd.
4 Insight, LLC
Edythe B. Abrahamson
Dr. Pasquale J. Accardo
Gordon P. Adelman
Abdullahi H. Aden
Peggy J. & Charles T. Agan
Vishal S. Agarwal
Barbara A. Aiken-Ali
Bruce D. Aikin
Syed G. M. Akailvi
Karen J. Akkerman
Christine V. Alfano
Nancy E. Allison
Brent Allison & Sarah Lipsett-Allison
Steven R. Alm
Mariann B. Alsum
Winifred Louisa Amaturo
Ameriprise Financial Services Inc.
Amy E. Andersen & Timothy J. Wilson
Emily E. Andersen
Anita M. Anderson
Carol R. & V. Elving Anderson
Craig L. Anderson
Donald D. Anderson
Geoffrey Anderson
Gordon B. Anderson
Janet I. Anderson
Karen K. Anderson
Karolyn S. Anderson
Dr. Le Moyne & Hollis Anderson
Ralph J. Anderson
Robert K. Anderson
Thomas D. Anderson
Ryoichi Ando
Dr. John O. Anfinson
Jacqueline A. Angus
Tina H. Appleby
Kiyoshi Arai
Dr. Jan K. Armstrong
Joan M. Arndt
Prof. Roger E. A. & Jane E. Arndt
Elizabeth H. Askey
Kenneth R. Asp
William G. Asp
Joan E. Autrey
B. A. E. Systems
Yoshie & Michael D. Babcock
Barbara S. Bach
Timothy G. Bailey
Drs. George W. & Nancy R. Bain
Sarjit S. Bains
Donald A. & Beverly A. Bajus
Jeffrey S. Baker
Mary F. Baker
Jerome C. Baldwin
Dr. Todd Ballen
Dr. Carolyn Y. Bang
Dr. Laird H. Barber
Sheila A. Barbetta
Adolph Barclift
Rommy A. Barghout
Dudley Barksdale
Kirstine R. & Gerald P. Barnaby
Carol E. Barnett
David Baron PE
Harold P. Barron
David J. Bartlett
Beverly K. Bauer
Patricia Bauer & David Geister
Kari Baumbach
Allan Baumgarten & Marilyn Levi-Baumgarten
Sheree L. Beam
H. John & Vanessa Beardsley
Jean M. & Lewis Beccone
Jennifer R. Beck
Debra L. & Keith Becker
Matthew J. Beehr
Eileen E. Beha
Patricia S. Belian
Benedictine Sisters Benevolent Association
John D. Bengtson
Jeff Bennett
Stanton O. Berg
Phillip & Karen Bergem
Charles S. Bergen
Mark J. Bergen
Dr. Betty A. Bergland
John E. Bergquist & Inez Waltman Bergquist
Jane C. Bergstrom
Jon M. Berkin
Harvey A. Bernard
Frances A. Bernhardt
Anne E. Bertram
Best & Flanagan LLP
Abbie B. Betinis
Robert C. Beverage
Marcia K. Bignall
Karen M. Bihrle
Dr. Marjorie Wall Bingham
Birchwood Laboratories Inc.
Bailey Bishop
Mark J. Bishop
Mark J. Bispala
Dr. Stephen I. Bistner
John R. Bitterman
Theodore R. Bjork
Kristine M. Black
Dr. Henry W. Blackburn Jr.
Thomas J. Blackmar
Joseph C. Blade
Dr. George R. Blake
Donald F. Blasl
Dr. Michael J. Bliss
Richard D. Bliss & Gail Ann Pratt Bliss
Sarah J. Blum
Dennis F. & Mari-Ellen Bobel
Dr. Deanna H. Boddie
Thelma Boeder
Sandra Bogenrief
Donald Bolling & Barbara Andersen Bolling
James Bones
Bonestroo Inc.
Alan J. Bonham
Julie A. Bonk
Marilyn A. Borgendale
Andria M. Botzet
Susan L. Boulka
Philip B. Bradley
Shirley M. Brady
Steve A. & Gail G. Brand
Dr. David W. & Evelyn P. Breeden
Lorna J. Breiter
Briggs & Morgan PA
Dr. Betty Taylor Bright
Todd L. Brist
Maria E. Brittle PhD
Michael B. Brock
Virginia S. Brodeen
Vincent Brosnan
David A. Brouchous
Elizabeth True Browder
Julanne H. Brown
Dr. Melanie A. Brown
Susan M. Brown
Judith Brown-Wescott & Rich Wescott
Karen L. Brudvig
Myrna W. Brudvig
Dr. Arthur L. Brundage
Rev. Robert & Lucy M. Brusic
Paul A. Buckley
Hilary Bullock
Karl M. & Grace Y. Bunday
Sharon J. Bunnell
Jack Burch
Ann L. Burckhardt
Roger F. Burg
Joseph W. Burns
Kathryn F. Burrell
David E. Byer
Micah J. Byers
C N A Consulting Engineers
Nancy G. Caffoe
Victor L. Cahn
Robert F. Cairo Jr.
Alicia A. Cameron
Ronald S. Camp
Prof. Karlyn Kohrs Campbell
Susan R. Capell
Capell Farms
Abigail S. M. Caperton
Fredda E. & Richard M. Caplan
Michael J. Carey
Randy L. Carey
Donna M. Carlson
Karen J. Carlson
Vera M. Carney
Charlotte Carpenter
Roger M. Carpenter
Louise Carpentier
Lucas D. S. Carvalho
Thomas E. Casey
Margaret & Alejandro Catambay
Dr. Patricia K. Cavanaugh
Mark Ceilley
Dr. Kathie K. Cerra
Oscar B. Chamberlain
Dr. Chi-Keung Chan
Dr. Henry C. Chang
Darrell J. Charboneau
Gloria K. Charney
Celia H. Chen
Huang Ming Chen & May Shi Chen
Yiqiao Chen
Chi’s Research Corporation
Sharon L. Chmielarz
Karen M. Chobot
Daryn D. Christenson
Shirley J. Christenson
Ellory J. Christianson
J. R. Christianson
Angela M. Christy
Uchenna Chukwu
Cornell Chun
Cima NanoTech Inc.
Brian J. Clark
Michele Clark & Paul Simmons
Dr. Edward W. & Cheryle Clausman
Charles W. Clifford
Kelly Coleman
Coloplast Corporation
Jeanne M. Connelly
Bonnie L. Connolly
Corey M. Conover
Constantine Rossakis MD PC
Contemporary Library
Consultants LLC
Teresa A. Cook
Alice Clark Cooney
Margaret J. Cooper
Margaret H. Cords
Frances S. & Robert P. Corlies
Louis C. Cosentino
Arlene A. & Donald L. Coulson
Elizabeth H. Cowie
J. Randolph Cox
John R. Coy
Todd F. Coyle
Shamey Cramer
Ruth Hanold Crane
Jon R. Cranney
Alyce M. Cranston
Megan Crawley
Dr. Kyle R. Crocker
Jacquelyn M. Cronin
Joseph M. Crosby
Dr. Ned L. Crosby
Nancy E. Crouse
William L. Crozier
Margaret L. Cruikshank
Cuningham Group Architecture PA
Jevne B. Cunningham
Lu Ellen F. Curran
Dr. Edward J. & Carolyn C. Cushing
Caren L. Custer
Dr. Kathleen A. Dahl
Randy P. Dahl
Susan E. Dahlinger
Peter J. Danio
Danio Inc.
Dr. Sandra L. H. Davenport
Dorothy A. Dayton
Shouhua Chen De Yearwood
Dr. Gary B. Deason
Elizabeth S. DeGrote-Blaufuss
Jim DeLeo
Dr. Robert & Jill DeMaster
M. Susan Dennis
Mary J. Denton
Marcel A. Derosier
Bruce Derscheid
George F. & Lynne Detrick
Nancy R. Devine
William J. & Barbara I. Dewey
Susan Z. Diamond & Allan T. Devitt
D. Scott Dibble
Michael D. Dirda
Johan F. Dirks
Dr. Dale T. Dobrin
David B. Dobson
Elizabeth Brenner Dodson
Nathaniel S. Doku
Eileen C. Donnelly
Bruce R. Doran
John D. Douthit
Georgina M. J. Doyle
P. J. Doyle
Kay E. Drache
David K. Driscoll
Rita B. Drone
Thomas L. Drucker
Tod K. Duffy
Dr. Joel R. Dufresne
Chris R. Duggan
Melanie J. Dunshee
James N. Duprey
William K. Dustin
Prof. Martin & Nomi Dworkin
Carol C. & Robert E. Dye
Prof. Robert Dykstra
Christine A. Dyrud
East View Cartographic Inc.
Dr. Jo Anne Eckhardt
Michael V. Eckman
Joseph J. Eckrich
Sally J. Economon
Irene E. Eelkema
Linda L. Eells
Norman Ehrentreich
Alice B. Ellingson
Michael M. Ellis
Jean M. Elvekrog
Emerson Electric Co.
Robert A. Emery
Mark W. Emme
George E. Emrick
Harry A. Engelbrecht
Lee A. Engele
Clement C. Engen
Carol J. Erdahl
Arlan C. & Marlene J. Erickson
Elizabeth B. Erickson
Karen Sue Erickson
Steven Eriksrud
Kurt M. Errickson
Jane E. Eschweiler
Elsie H. Evans
Mauri L. & Robert J. Evans
Dr. Patricia Russell Evans
Faegre & Benson LLP
Kathleen G. Fahey
Linda Falch
Judith L. & Edward L. Farmer
Leanne T. Farrell
Kimberly K. Faurot
Feigenbaum Graphic Design Inc.
Dr. Wende M. Feller
Kay J. & Nile R. Fellows
Prof. Mary Louise Fellows
Paul Feroe
Christian Fetsch
Jessica L. Fiala
Jesse L. Field
Heidi & David Fielding
Billy W. & Donna L. Fields
Elizabeth & Matthew Fink
Fish & Richardson P. C.
Janice Fisher & Steven Rothman
Lynn H. Fisher
Orville B. Fitch II
Jorja K. Fleezanis & Michael Steinberg
Katherine D. Fleming
Susan C. Flynn
Ronald E. Fontaine
Connie J. Foote
William G. Force
Renee R. Foster
Donald G. Fox
Joann K. Frankena
Charles J. Frantz
Robert S. Frazier
Fredrikson & Byron PA
Dr. Jeanne E. Freiburg
Jon E. Freise
Sarah L. French
Melanie J. & Roger L. Frick
Dr. Harvey E. Friedenson
Friends of the Edina Library
Dr. Alan B. Frol
Carrol L. Fry
Samuel E. Fry Jr.
Dr. Judith W. Fuller
Joseph E. Furman
Rosemary Furtak
Kelly K. Gage
Francis J. Gagliardi
Thomas S. Galbo
Prof. Lee Galda-Pellegrini
Dr. Paul G. Gannon
John T. & Nancy H. Garland
Thomas G. Garry
Marge Garske
Gertie Geck
Thomas A. Gekler
General Mills Foundation
General Mills Inc.
Geraghty O’Loughlin & Kenney P. A.
Kristi N. Gibson
Caroline M. Gilbert
Dr. Daniel R. Gilbert Jr.
Thomas P. Gilsenan
Wayne G. Gisslen
Lisa J. Go
Terence M. Golden
Clifford Goldfarb
Jennifer L. Goloboy
Dr. Michael I. & Bambi Z. Good
Jane J. & Chris Goodnight
Goodrich Sensor Systems
William D. Goodrich
Marilyn & Paul Gould
Todd F. Grant
Lucille R. Gravelle
Anne L. Gray
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Larry Greaves
Joseph M. Green
Dr. Paul J. Green
Robert J. Green & Erin L. George
Dr. Ronald F. Green
Jeffrey W. Greene
Leon Greenfield
Dr. Adele A. Greenlee
Patricia M. Greenlees
Alexian A. Gregory
Dr. David F. Grigal
Dr. Craig Grimes
Amanda S. Grimm
Marissa K. Gritter
Dr. Ann M. Gronda
Jill K. Grunewald
Dr. Glenn Gullickson Jr.
Mithun M. Gundi
Kim M. Gustafson
Paul W. Gustafson
Robert S. Guthrie
Beth Haaland
Dr. Jan J. Hacker
Sanjin Hadziomerovic
Phyllis A. Haensel
Jeffrey R. Hafferman
Donna K. Hageman
Dr. Aaron L. Hagen
Susan Haggberg-Miller
Elizabeth Hall
Margaret L. Hall
Ralph E. Hall
Stephen P. Hall
Ginger A. Hamer
James C. Hamm
Hammel Green & Abrahamson Inc.
Prof. C. Michael Hancher Jr. & Linda D. Hancher
Dr. Patrick E. Hanna
Brenda G. Hansen
Dr. Barbara E. Hanson
Barbara J. & Kent B. Hanson
Dan C. Hanson
Douglas W. Hanson
Brian R. Hanzal
Brian J. Harmon
Jeffrey L. Harnly
Richard D. Harris
Rebecca M. Hartman
Edward W. Hathaway
Douglas M. & Martha M. Head
Health Partners Research Foundation
Carol E. Heath
Ronald W. Heil Jr.
Dr. Barbara P. Heinemann
Robert J. Hermann
Evelyn Herzog & John Baesch
Andrea J. Hess
Robert C. Hess
Hess Roise & Co. Inc.
Donna W. Hicks
Masamichi Higurashi
Daniel G. & Joann Hill
Jennifer C. Hill
Vincent Hill
Barbara J. Hillman
Yuichi Hirayama
James M. Hirsch
Historical Information
Gatherers Inc.
Marilyn E. Hobbs
Marjean V. Hoeft & Lisa Vecoli
Nancy K. Hof
Jane L. Hogan
Karen P. Hogan
Eugene D. Hogenson
Jennifer M. R. Hokanson
Joyce W. Holbrook
Dr. Neal R. Holtan
Dr. Torild M. Homstad
Michael C. Hooven
Dr. Margaret J. Hornbacher & Steve Benson
Dr. Margaret E. Horsnell
Douglas B. Hoverson
Prof. John R. Howe Jr. & Judith J. Howe
Dr. Sondra W. Howe
Monica Howell
Prof. Dennis R. & Audrey K. Hower
Lucinda L. Hruska-Claeys
Jinzhou Huang
Sarah & James Hubbs
Humberto R. Huergo
Robert W. Hull
Joan D. Humes
S. Aino M. Husen
Rosalie A. Huston
Zenas W. Hutcheson III
Dr. Sandra J. Imdieke
Independent School District 196-MN Trust
Innovations in Medicine LLC
Nancy L. Irsfeld
Dr. Reginald H. & Joan L. Isele
Itasca Consulting Group Inc.
Kristi Iverson
Dr. William V. Jackson
Dr. David W. Jacobson
Kathleen M. Jaglo-Joseph
Marlee A. Jansen
Emily Jenkins
Marjorie L. Jenkins
Harald H. Jensen
May P. Jesseph
Maria Jette
Rosie Webb Joels
C. Wallace Johnson
Caleb B. Johnson
Carol A. Johnson
Carol A. & Dennis J. Johnson
Dennis R. Johnson
Donald A. Johnson Jr.
Dr. Donald C. Johnson
Douglas A. Johnson
Edythe E. Johnson
Eunice Bisbee Johnson
Herbert F. Johnson
Jo Ann M. Johnson & D. David Lenander
John W. Johnson
Dr. Josie R. Johnson
Kathleen S. Johnson
Kevin J. Johnson
Dr. Kirk R. Johnson
Margaret A. Johnson
Margel R. Johnson
Marion R. Johnson
Mary Pat Johnson
Robert W. Johnson
Shelley Johnson
Thomas D. Johnson
Wayne A. Johnson
Mark & Deborah Johnston
Lynne Jonell
Charity B. Jones
Ellen M. Jones
Prof. Ruth E. Jones
Drs. Charles R. & Sally B. Jorgensen
Marcel R. Jouseau
Dr. Terrence H. Joyce
Mary C. Kaeding
Mohamed Kalil
Leslie J. Kallas
Christa Kamenetsky
Jeanette G. Kamman
Mary Ann Kan
Dr. Maythee J. Kantar
Elisabeth Kaplan
Robert I. Karon
Herbert L. Karrer III
Dr. Robert S. Katz
John F. & Joyce M. Kaufman
Dr. John A. Kayfes
Dr. Michael H. Kean
Thomas J. Keeler
Daniel T. Kelley
James M. Kelley
Jeannine M. Kellogg
Lawrence J. Kelly Jr.
Prof. Richard J. Kelly
Carol Jo & Donald G. Kelsey
Calvin B. Kendall
Phyllis K. Kennemer
Dr. Jeffrey Kerlan
Jack D. Key
Ahmed M. Keynan
Tyseer Khaled
Maroun G. Khoury
Paul A. Kief
Kristi L. Kiesling
Drs. Mary B. & John M. Killen
David P. Kilpatrick
Grace Kim
Mary L. Kimmes
Mary L. & Thomas W. Kingston
Marla J. Kinney
Margaret L. Kirkpatrick
Dr. Richard J. & Patricia L. Kirschner
Richard J. & Francine Kitts
Thomas J. Klas
Dr. James A. & Annearle M. Klein
Lori J. Klein
George E. Kline
Dr. Mary E. Knatterud
Ellen A. Kniebel
Carolyn R. & Clayton J. Knutson
Charles & Beth Knutson
Gail & Jack A. Kochie
E. Daniel Kodet III
Susan B. Koelmel
Kenneth P. Koeneman
Brett Koenig
Karen Koepp
Don Kohler
Ravi Kommineni & Sushma Anaparthi
James P. Kortz
Luanne S. W. Koskinen
Sondra D. Kozinn
Chris Kraus
John E. Krech
Wayne L. Krefting
Dr. Michael J. Krueger
Prof. Nicolai V. Krylov
Brian J. Krysinski
Laura A. Kuhn
Eleanor M. Kuhns
Prof. Alex Kurak
Elizabeth A. Kuusisto
Dr. Woojin Kwon
Lyn E. Lacy
Lora Landers
Christoph A. Landolt
Val R. Landwehr
Alice L. Lane
Mary L. Lanford
Dr. Dale L. Lange
Elizabeth Ann Lange
Keith R. Lange
Kyle A. Langlands
David S. LaRochelle
Kris H. Larsen
Joan B. Larson
John C. Larson
Maxine Larson
Ward R. & Wendy P. Larson
Larson King LLP
Prof. Alan K. & Peggy E. Lathrop
John Lauber
Dr. Robert T. Laudon
Wendell W. Lawin
Brandi L. Lawler
Judy K. Layzell
Dr. Don E. & Marlyce I. Lee
Nancy A. Lee
Mary E. Leeder
Patricia M. Leefeldt
Steve L. Legenhausen
Keith R. Legg
Leggette Brashears & Graham Inc.
Leonard Street & Deinard PA
Rex H. Levang
Billie M. Levy
Dr. Rhoda G. Lewin
Susan G. Lewis
Tom W. Lewis
Bernard Q. Li
Ming Li
Zhi Li & Jian-Gang Weng
Dr. Ji-Chia Liao
Gregg R. Lichtscheidl
Emily Lidbeck
David R. Lieberman
Jon H. Lienemann
Harriet C. Lievan
Nan P. Lightner
Gary R. Lindberg
Karen B. & Thomas E. Lindberg
Mr. & Mrs. Herbert A. Linder
Hilia J. Lindroos
Hwei-Mei & Michael S. T. Liu
Charles S. & Maryanne Lo
John Lockwood
Dr. Shannon T. Loehrke
Lommen Abdo
Sandra Longfellow
I. Sue Longman
Erin F. Lovell
Barbara Stoffels Lubin
Amy Lucas
Colin B. Lukens
Dr. David A. Lundberg
Lisa Lunge-Larsen & Steven A. Kuross
Daniel D. Lunzer
Jeffry M. Lusiak
Dr. Gerold Luss
Molly K. Lynch
Norman T. Lynskey
Janis L. Lysen
M. V. M. A. Auxiliary
Linda J. Mack
Raymond N. Mackenzie
Reed K. Mackenzie
Mackenzie & Dornik PA
Brent M. & Mitzi W. Magid
Carol S. & T. Richard Magin
Dr. C. Peter Magrath & Deborah C. Howell*
Gregory Maguire
Andrew S. Malec
Lacey Mamak
Richard J. Mann
Russell A. Mann
Paul P. Maravelas
Jerry Margolin
Laurence J. & Karin J. Margolis
Kristi Marian
Prof. Margaret M. Marini
Harry S. Markley
Dr. Steve R. Marquardt
Drs. Erwin & Doris G. Marquit
Marcia K. Marshall
Dr. C. Paul & Carole A. Martin
Jennifer L. Martin
Dr. Brian C. Martinson
Dr. M. Lavonne Marubbio
Showsaku Mashimo
Monte M. Mason
William E. Mason
Sujata C. Massey
Paige A. Mathiowetz
John M. Matsunaga
Richard L. Matthews
Phyllis M. Mattill
Le Roy T. Mattson
Dr. I. I. Mayba
Donald P. Mayer
Dr. Martha Mayou
Drs. Michael J. & Mary O. McCarthy
Marjorie L. McCloy
Dr. John W. McConnell
Gerald W. McCormick
Mary McDiarmid
Katherine L. McGill
Stephen G. McGraw
Nancy N. McIntosh
Barbara J. McKuras
Michael and Julie McKuras
Jill E. McLean Odegaard
Curtis B. McNamara
Prof. Toni A. H. McNaron
Kevin B. McNulty
Michael L. McPhee & Amy Okaya
Medtronic Foundation
Joan C. & J. Peter Melrose
Antonio L. Mendez
Alan L. & Nancy E. Mercer
David W. Merrell
James H. Merrell
Kim J. Merriam
Eskinder A. Mesfin
Margaret M. Meyer
Meyer Scherer & Rockcastle Ltd.
Barbara J. Michaels
Rosemary M. Michaud
Lynn Middleton-Koller
Brian A. Millberg
Angela S. Miller
Elva V. Miller
Prof. Frank C. Miller
Dean Harold A. Miller
Nicholas S. Miller
Richard R. Miller
Clark W. Millikan
Merle Paull Minda
Robert A. Minish
Minnesota Advocates For Human Rights
Minnesota Public Radio
Minnesota Taiwanese Foundation
Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association
Sean M. Minnick
Thomas G. Mittelstaedt
Dr. Phyllis Moen & Richard P. Shore
Ruth Ann Moldenhauer
Pamela S. Molin
Luis A. Molina
Frances T. Monaghan
Prof. Dianne L. Monson
Rachel & Steve E. Moore
Peter M. Morales
Laura M. Moriarity
Anthony J. Morley
Dr. Holly J. Morris
Blaise G. Morton
Marjorie A. Mountain
Mary J. Moxness
Gregory A. Moynagh
William J. Muggli
Brian J. Mulhern & David A. Wood
Dr. Ann E. Mullaney
Carol Mulligan
Patrick J. Mulloy
Mulloy Environmental Services Inc.
Donna J. Munro
Susan E. Munson
Josephine A. Musumeci
Janet S. Myers
Karla L. B. Myers
Umesh G. Nagargoje
Paul C. & Joan P. Nagel
Steven P. & Monica Nagel
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force
Amy Neeser
Barbra K. Nei
Judith A. Neiswander
Rev. Allan O. & Imogene Nelson
Charles H. Nelson
James C. Nelson
Dr. Owen & Deborah Nelson
Patricia J. Nelson*
Rita Cimino Nelson
Robert W. & Carolyn W. Nelson
Scott E. Nelson
Susan D. Nelson
Karen Nemchik & Tariq Samad
Jeffrey C. Neudahl
Arthur E. Neuman
Michael L. Nichols
Richard Nielsen
Diana M. Niskern
Robert J. Nistler
Kay P. Noguchi
Dr. Earl & Judith Nolting
Gail D. Nordstrom
Meredith L. Norstrom
William L. North
Barbara R. Nussbaum
Colin R. Oalesbay
Joan K. O’Brien
Isabell M. O’Connor
Alice A. O’Donnell
Sidney Offit
Gary D. Ohlrogge
Michael J. Oiseth
Dr. William H. Ojala
Bonnie K. Oldre
Scott R. & Judith R. Olsen
Donald W. Olson Jr.
Jeffrey W. Olson
Marsha G. Olson
Shirley P. M. Olson
Steven E. Olson
Timothy J. Olson
Once Upon A Crime
Oppenheimer Wolff & Donnelly LLP
Howard L. Oransky
Daphne A. Orlando
Dr. William E. Ostrem
Dr. Hans G. Othmer
Lawrence A. Overby III
Dr. Judith A. Overmier
John Ozol
Jerry Palms
James L. Park
Dr. Christopher Sullivan & Lydia Louis Parker
Stephen L. & Lois K. Parker
Carol J. & Peter F. Parshall
David L. Pates
Jennie C. Paton
Jane A. Paulsen
Dr. Elizabeth M. Pauly
Arthur J. & Judith A. Payne
Glenn D. Payton
Marjorie Pearson
Margaret C. Peeples
Elizabeth A. Pemberton
Lucy T. Penfield
Otto Penzler
Linda A. Perkins
Personnel Decisions Research Institutes Inc.
Phyllis Pesola-Krumholz
Lisa J. Westberg Peters
Judith R. Peters
Karla D. Petersen
Penny A. Petersen
Dr. Allan G. Peterson
Chauncey J. Peterson
Dr. Garry F. & Mary Ann Peterson
Holger I. Peterson
Joseph H. Peterson
June N. Peterson
Larry J. Peterson & Lois A. Steer
Theodore J. Peterson
Timothy E. Peterson
The Pharmacia Foundation Inc.
John A. Phelps
Ann S. & Felix M. Phillips
Anne K. Phillips
Michael O. Phillips
Dr. Anne E. Phibbs
Pinnacle Engineering Inc.
Dr. Julian G. Plante
Jim T. Platt
Shirley L. Poliquin
Marsha L. Pollak
Nancy H. Pond
Nasser T. Pooladian
Diana D. Post
James D. Postier
Sandra J. Potter
Dennis Poupard
Nancy L. Powell
Sarah J. Pradt
Daniel R. Pratt
Dr. Mary C. Preus
Bob Price III
Jan R. Price
Cleone F. Pritchard
Process Research Analysis & Design Inc.
Professional Fiduciary Inc.
Protec Environmental Consultants Inc.
Joyce & Donald J. Pusch
Virginia G. Puzak
John P. Pyle
Michael D. & Millicent K. Quam
Leslie Greaves Radloff
Dr. Marguerite Ragnow & Joseph E. Campion
Dennis A. Rahaman
Henry W. Rahn
Warren Randall
Dr. Rebecca T. Rapport
Trevor Raymond
Marcia M. Reardon
Chris Redmond
Audray Z. Rees
Rodney E. & Patricia A. Reeve
Timothy M. Reich
Daniel T. Reilly
James M. Reilly
Julie L. & James C. Reimer
Frank L. Rembisz
Maxine H. Reneker
Resource Analytics Inc.
Dr. Michael A. & Patricia Rethwill
Cathy E. Retzer
Scott A. Reynolds
Dianne Rhein
Nelda Summers Richards & Dana Richards
Wendy Scott Richards
Clifton F. Richardson
Selma K. Richardson
Raymond H. Riethmeier
Charlene M. Riggs
Sally J. Rigler
Christopher T. Riley
John M. Riley
Duane J. Rivard
Kathryn Robbins
Sara S. Roberson
Julie A. Rochat
Lois J. Rogers-Killian
June M. Rogier
Barbara Z. & Paul O. Rogne
Charlene K. Roise
Nancy C. Romslo
Rose & Pentagram Design
Julia C. & Albert M. Rosenblatt
Sharon E. Roslien
Dr. Constantine Rossakis
Barbara J. Rostad
George E. Rothenberger & Mary E. Newkirk
Miriam & Jerold Rothstein
Lori L. Roth-Yousey
Ann E. Barclay Rovner & Bruce D. Rovner
Alexander Rozenson
Prof. C. William & Jacqueline Rudelius
Helen Rudie
David O. Rupp
David Rush
Ilene Rutten
Judith E. Rys
Dan Sachs
Dr. Franklin B. Saksena
Mark & Lynn Salisbury
Ken & Mary Salit
Herbert Sally Jr.
Julie A. Sanders
Dara L. Sanders Dokas
Margaret A. Sandine
Dr. Seymour H. Sargent
Udaya B. Sathuvalli
Jane I. Satkowski
William J. Satzer
Samuel A. Savage
Rose M. Schaefer
Jason M. Schaller
Joyce L. Schampel
John L. Scherer
James Schermerhorn
Robert A. Scherrer
Marjorie T. Schier
Jon D. Schirado
David H. & Judith A. Schlief
Drs. Leonard D. & Linda M. Schloff
Betty L. Schlothan
Andrew J. Schmidt
John D. Schmidt
Gerald M. Schnabel
Diann L. Schneider
Harold A. Schofield
Janie R. Schomberg
Dana M. Schroeder
Kathleen E. Schubert
John A. Schultz
Dr. John W. & Jane M. Schultz
Stephen R. Schultz
Prof. Julie A. Schumacher
Dr. A. Truman Schwartz
Dr. Jeffrey T. Schwedes
Beverley W. Sciranka
Carolyn Scott
Shannon Scott
Seagate Techology
Randal A. Seburg
Mark Sedio
Segetis Inc.
Yosi D. Sela
Prof. George R. Sell
Joe Servello
Cynthia H. Shabb
Dr. Linda C. K. Shane & Orrin C. Shane III
Zella J. Shannon
Prof. Alan E. & Linda J. Shapiro
Terry L. Sharratt
Dr. Yakov M. Shchukin
Peter J. Shea
Leigh B. Shearer
Dr. Bernard J. & Nga Nguyen Sheehan
Dr. Colleen J. Sheehy
Linda M. Sheller
Harry H. Shibata
Richard D. Shields
Yumiko Shigaki
John C. Shillock
Diane C. Shimek
Dr. Dennis K. Shiozawa
Prof. W. Phillips
& Barbara S. Shively
Carol Hanson Sibley
Joyce V. & James D. Sidman
Dr. Jenzi C. Silverman
Honorable Patricia Simmons & Lester Wold
Nancy J. & Terrence W. Simon
Robert D. Simpson
Gurdhyan Singh
Paul G. Singleton III
George D. Siriaco
Doris E. Skalstad
Charles W. Skrief
Dr. M. Sarah Smedman
Dmitri Smirnov
Dorothea E. Smith
Jace L. Smith
Dr. James P. Smith
Joan S. Smith
Julie C. Smith
Louann Smith
Katherine R. Smola
Nathan Sokolowski
Richard G. Solstad
Norma J. Sommerdorf
Dr. Hongzhuan Song
Francis J. Sorauf
Louis L. Sorenson
Marillyn B. & Thomas K. Soulen
Cynthia L. Sowden
Barbara Spannaus
Lynn Speaker-Epping
Dr. Stephen E. Spielberg
Alexander Spivak
Ruth E. Sponheim
John R. Springfield
Donna R. Stadsvold-Eich
Robert R. Stady
Matthew J. Stafki
Dr. Susan M. Stan
Susan W. & John B. Stanford
Mark D. Stanley
Mark D. Stansbury-O’Donnell
Star Tribune News Research
Dr. Matthew Stark
Daniel M. Stashower
Dr. Olga Stavrakis
Prof. Theo G. & Freda Stavrou
Alicia R. Steele
Prof. Heinz G. Stefan
Lee Ann Steffens
Betty Kay & George F. Stein
Paul Steiner
Cynthia A. Steinke
Dr. Linnea A. Stenson
Eugene V. Stepanov
Jean M. Stevenson
Mona K. Stevermer
John W. Stewig
Dorothy Stix
Randall Stock
Arthur R. Stoeberl
Willis M. Stoesz
Jennifer A. Stohl Powell
Terrence L. Stokke
Melissa L. Stoll
E. Neal Stone
Richard T. Stone
Jean Storlie
Kenneth R. Storm Jr.
Jeffrey Strand
Shaun M. Strohmer
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
Jack Stuart
Dr. Paul F. Stuehrenberg
William R. Sturtz Jr.
Grace K. Sulerud
Christopher R. Sullivan
Jeanette M. Sullivan
John L. Sullivan
Summit Envirosolutions Inc.
Shashi M. Suri
Dr. Aimee Sutherland
& Frederick B. Swengel
Svoboda Ecological Resources
Charles L. Swanson
Deborah E. Swanson
Dr. Diana R. Swanson
Dr. Todd A. Swanson
Donald E. Sward
Nicholas J. Swenson
Evelyn J. Swenson
Philip H. Swiggum
M. Charles Swope
Malin C. Symreng
Natalie Synhaivsky
Victoria B. Szalapski
Roger R. Tamte
Patricia A. Tanji
Rafael E. Tarrago
Flora M. Taylor
Loren A. Taylor
Robert G. Taylor & Bonnie K. Nelson
Prof. Romeyn Taylor
TCF Foundation
Teatro del Pueblo Inc.
Heidi Armstrong Temple & Randall B. Temple
Charlotte H. Templin
Scott T. Templin
Ten Thousand Things
Tennant Foundation
Donald J. Terras
Susan A. Tettemer
Gary K. Thaden
Dr. Gunnar E. Thander
F. Javier Thayer
Robert Thayer & Nancy Meade-Thayer
Christina Kay Thomas
Alfred L. & Lois M. Thomason
Dr. Jonathan D. Thompson
Muriel M. Thompson
Patricia A. Thompson
Thomson Reuters North American Legal
Judy L. Thorvilson
Faythe Dyrud Thureen
Charles B. Thurston
Barbara S. & Kenneth F. Tiede
Lisa R. Tiegel
Xueping Y. Timmons
Kenneth I. Timoner
Elizabeth J. Tisel
Dr. Thomas M. Todd
Patricia J. Tollefson
Scott A. Tollefson
Marshall B. Toman
Mary L. Topp
Thomas B. Townsend
Patricia & Tokiaki Toyama
Jean-Nickolaus Tretter
Mark A. Troemner
Getachew T. Tsehaye
Yeong-Shieuh G. Tsung
Robert H. Tucker
Patsy A. Tupper
David A. Turetsky
Catherine Tweedie
U. S. Bancorp Foundation
Dr. Robert A. Ulstrom
United eWay
United Way-Blue Cross & Blue Shield
Michele D. Vaillancourt
Valspar Corporation
Gideon D. Van Riette
Diane S. Van Weele
Mary Ann Vande Vusse
Lois M. VanDyck
Dr. Elizabeth M. Varriano-Marston
David J. Varricchio
Jill C. Vecoli
Brenda L. Vinall-Mogel
Norman M. Vinnes
Benjamin & Susan E. B. Vizoskie
Mary Lou Voigt
Dr. Vienna K. Volante
Kenneth L. Volker
Jennifer L. Wagner-Lahr
Kim W. Waldof
Jonathan M. Wallace
Peter J. L. & Edith M. Wallis
Julia A. Wallman
Prof. Arthur E. Walzer
De-Yong M. Wang
Yongqing Wang
John A. Ward
Dale K. Warner Jr.
Earleen J. Warner
Dorothea C. Warren
Dr. Warren J. & Henrietta H. Warwick, Ph.D.
James C. Washburn
Tohru Watanabe
Marion E. Watson
Prof. Esther F. & Dr. Lee W. Wattenberg
James R. Wehn
Katharine B. Weiblen
Maryann N. Weidt
Dagmar E. Weill
Janice L. Weiner
Dr. Peter R. & Eunice Weisensel
Dr. Gerhard H. & Janet M. Weiss
Charles Wells
Prof. Peter S. Wells
Wells Fargo Foundation
Dennis H. Werling
Sharon M. Werner
Dennis E. West
Shirley D. Westacott
Eloise M. Westby
Rolf E. Westgard
Catherine J. Wetzel
Michael F. Whelan
John T. & Sandra G. White
Dr. Jan E. Whitman
Arvella D. Whitmore
Wheelock Whitney
James R. Widder
Claudia J. Wielgorecki
Arthur E. F. Wiese Jr.
Christopher W. Wilken
Dr. Gwen M. Willems
Dr. Stephen Willging & Katherine Wells
Dr. Christa M. Williams
Karen Williams & Steven Llewellyn
Sandra Q. Williams
Philip H. Willkie
Morgan G. Willow
Charlotte Strauel Wilmot
Adelia K. Wilson
Keith P. Wilson
Linda Wilson
Murray D. Wilson
Dr. Philip K. Wilson
Scott D. Wingrove
Winthrop & Weinstine PA
DuWayne M. & Kay M. Witt
Eve Wolf
Sue Wolslegel
Thomas R. Woodruff
Dr. Joseph H. Woodside
Doug Wrigglesworth
Alice B. Wright
Bruce N. Wright
Prof. George T. Wright
Patricia A. Wright
Michael L. Wroge
Gretchen L. Wunderlich
X. J. & Dorothy M. Kennedy Ltd.
Xcel Energy
Xcel Energy Foundation
Xerox Corporation USA
Wenguang Yan
Bruce S. Yang
Donald A. Yates
Drs. Wilson Yates & Gayle Graham Yates
John A. Yilek
Doris W. Yock
Marilyn & Alan Youel
Drs. Alwin C. H. Young & So Lian Tio
Dr. Mahmood A. Zaidi
Robert A. Zelada
Judith M. Zetterberg
Irene E. Zimmerman
Harvey H. Zuckman & Philip E. Oxman

*denotes deceased

Mark Engebretson

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