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The Year in Pictures 2012

By July 26, 2012September 16th, 2023No Comments

Libraries Staff Recognition Event

Staff Recognition Group 2012

The movie-themed Staff Recognition event “Tinseltown in Dinkytown” was held at the Varsity Theater.

Paul and Joan Nagel Lecture

Henry Adams

Henry Adams, professor of American art at Case Western Reserve University and descendent of presidents John Adams and John Quincy Adams, spoke on the work of noted historian and Adams biographer Paul Nagel.

Eric Black

Eric Black, former Star Tribune reporter and current MinnPost blogger, eulogized Paul Nagel and introduced inaugural Nagel Lecture speaker Henry

Charlie Bethel’s Gilgamesh

Charlie Bethel Gilgamesh 1


Charlie Bethel Gilgamesh 2

Master storyteller Charlie Bethel performed his take on the ancient tale of Gilgamesh for a full house of Friends.

An Upson Song Cycle

Upson Song Cycle, Mary Jo Gothmann


Upson Song Cycle, Peter Campion


Upson Song Cycle, Roy Heilman

Local tenor Roy Heilman is accompanied by Mary Jo Gothmann, singing original compositions by Linda Kachelmeier based on poems by Arthur Upson. Peter Campion narrates.

A Feast of Words

Feast of Words Michael Hancher

Friends filled the Campus Club for the annual Feast of Words dinner. English professor Michael Hancher riffed on questions that have long puzzled dictionary makers and dictionary users–the relationship of things, names of things, and pictures of things.

“Bibliophilia: Collecting Black Books” exhibit

Biibliophilia: Collecting Black Books

The Archie Givens Sr. Collection of African American Literature hosted a dinner and special viewing of the “Bibliophilia: Collecting Black Books” exhibit. Curator Cecily Marcus explains materials in one case to Karen Kaler.

Archie Givens Jr., President of the Givens Foundation of African American Literature, and Phebe Givens.

Archie Givens Jr., President of the Givens Foundation of African American Literature, and Phebe Givens.

Davu Seru and Emily Seru

Davu Seru, Phillips Graduate Fellow for the Givens Collection, and Emily Seru.

Friends-Member appreciation reception

Friends-Member appreciation, Vern Sutton

Attendees at the annual Friends-Member appreciation reception enjoyed “I Could Write a Book,Marian,” a bibliophile recital by tenor Vern Sutton . . .

John Agacki

. . . featuring John Agacki on guitar…

Dan Chouinard

. . . and Dan Chouinard on piano.

Science Quiz Bowl

Science Quiz Bowl champion team, DNA

Science Quiz Bowl champion team, DNA.

Runner-up team, Lottery / e-LEMON-ators

Three of the four members of the runner-up team, Lottery / e-LEMON-ators.

Pankake Poetry Reading

Pankake Poetry Reading, Heid Erdrich

Heid Erdrich read from her hot-off-the-presses collection “Cell Traffic” for the Third Annual Pankake Poetry Reading.

Friends Libraries Annual Dinner

Jane Smiley


Jane Smiley

Pulitzer-prize winning author and Dickens biographer Jane Smiley capped off the Friends’ celebration of the 200th birthday of Charles Dickens.

Mark Engebretson

Author Mark Engebretson

More posts by Mark Engebretson

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