The school year has started and the Kirschner Collection is buzzing with new students. Last week, three teams of students competing the CFANS Amazing Race came to the Kirschner Collection where they spun our wheel of topics, were given a theme (e.g. Lady Gaga), and then had to find as many cookbooks or recipes as they could relating to their theme. Each of the students took home a reusable snack bag courtesy of the Collection.
We also had thousands of first year students come through the library for orientation last week, where they were introduced to a variety of library resources to help them survive at the U of MN. We had ten recipes from the Kirschner Collection available for students to take with them, and we demonstrated how to make grilled cheese sandwiches in a dorm room using an iron and aluminum foil. We made hundreds of these sandwiches! Here is volunteer Jackie displaying a finished product: