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Are you still shopping? Do you have children on your list that you only see a few times a year? Do you think a book is the perfect gift – but aren’t sure which one to pick?

The new curator of the Children’s Literature Research Collection is Lisa Von Drasek and she has the lists you need!

As a Children’s Librarian, I am often asked for recommendations for titles to give as gifts. I am a big fan of giving books. It can be difficult to select a title for a child or young adult that you only see once or twice a year. Think of me as that fabulous bookseller standing at the ready when you say…”I have a six year old niece” In the Twin Cites we not only have the big chain but Red Balloon and Wild Rumpus. These two independents are part of what lured me from NY to MN. So here is a link to my end-of-the -year, best of 2012 recommendations. They are divided by age and format. Feel free to forward. Informational books and poetry will post sometime today.

If you scroll down to the November 26 entry, you will also find a list of recommended books complied from sources including Publishers Weekly and the New York Times.

Enjoy your books and watch for this information again next year.

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