July 13 through October 2, 2015
What: Breast Cancer Superhero Portrait Project
When: July 13 through October 2, 2015
Where: Bio-Medical Library, Diehl Hall
Hours: Open during regular library hours at the Bio-Medical Library
If you were to be immortalized as your superhero of choice, who would you be and why? Artist Barbara Porwit began asking these questions of people several years ago. Inspired by many close friends undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, Porwit saw women turning health challenges into personal power. The concept for her Breast Cancer Superhero Project emerged.
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For this series of portraits, Porwit engages individuals in experiencing the power of positive emotions to affect a positive outcome. Six large-scale oil paintings combine pop art, positive psychology and the universal hero’s journey.
Exhibit Coordinators: Michelle Orr and Katherine Chew, Art@Bio-Med Exhibition Program