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Farmers market pop-up library and summer reading BINGO

By June 3, 2015September 16th, 2023No Comments

Pop-Up Library at the U Farmers Market

The University Libraries will be hosting a Pop-Up Library at a few of the University of Minnesota Farmers Markets this summer — including the first one on Wednesday, July 8, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., in front of McNamara (new location this summer).

Peruse our wide selection of books from fun reads to cookbooks to health and wellness titles and more. 

Summer Reading BINGO Challenge summerreadingbingo

Need a challenge to kick start your summer reading? Try the U Libraries Summer Reading BINGO Challenge

Step 1. Read some awesome books between May 25 and September 7. For example, read:

  • a memoir
  • a book you own but have never read
  • a book that scares you
  • a book written the year you were born
  • a b00k w1th a numb3r in the titl3
  • and much more

Step 2. Check off a BINGO box for each challenge you complete. 

Step 3. When you complete a BINGO, turn your card in at any U Libraries or submit your books online. Your name will be entered into our monthly prize drawing.

Need suggestions for your BINGO card or other summer reading? 

Please contact Kaia Sievert at 612-626-4134 or with any questions. 

Kate Peterson

Author Kate Peterson

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