Pop-Up Library at the U Farmers Market
The University Libraries will be hosting a Pop-Up Library at a few of the University of Minnesota Farmers Markets this summer — including the first one on Wednesday, July 8, from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m., in front of McNamara (new location this summer).
Peruse our wide selection of books from fun reads to cookbooks to health and wellness titles and more.
Summer Reading BINGO Challenge 
Need a challenge to kick start your summer reading? Try the U Libraries Summer Reading BINGO Challenge.
Step 1. Read some awesome books between May 25 and September 7. For example, read:
- a memoir
- a book you own but have never read
- a book that scares you
- a book written the year you were born
- a b00k w1th a numb3r in the titl3
- and much more
Step 2. Check off a BINGO box for each challenge you complete.
Step 3. When you complete a BINGO, turn your card in at any U Libraries or submit your books online. Your name will be entered into our monthly prize drawing.
Need suggestions for your BINGO card or other summer reading?
- Ask the Library Book Matchmakers
- Watch Read this Book‘s Summer Reading Suggestions
- Explore UMNfunreads on delicious or umnlibraries on Pinterest or Wilson Library on tumblr
- Visit the Wilson Library basement display
- Browse the McCollister Collection of Popular Literature on the first floor of Wilson library
- Stop by the Wise Owl Popular Book Collection in the basement in Walter Library
Please contact Kaia Sievert at 612-626-4134 or ksievert@umn.edu with any questions.