Students: Do you have a research paper in your future? A speech? A video? A poster? A lab report? Are you thinking about doing a proposal for UROP? A primary source project? We can help!
The assignment calculator is designed to help you plan your big projects now. Simply put your due date into the calculator and select which type of assignment. The calculator will break down your project into the research and writing steps. It will give you the dates by which you should try to complete each step. It will give you links to help and tools along the way AND you can sign up for email reminders to stay on track.
Once you log in, you can also change the dates as needed based on your own calendar. You can even create one from scratch — for any project you have.
The calculator was developed with staff from the Center for Writing and Center for Educational Innovation and has been used at many other institutions over its 10+ years of existence.
Give it a try today!