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Health Sciences LibrariesNews

Your Winter Weather Survival Guide

By December 15, 2017September 16th, 2023No Comments

You know what they say, the best way to prevent a summer cold is to catch it in the winter.  

If you have been under the weather this season, we are here to share a few trusted health information resources to help you recover and stay healthy, along with options to explore, learn, and have fun at the Libraries.

Trusted information on winter health and safety

  • College students and the flu (MedlinePlus): Learn about symptoms, treatment, and how to avoid catching the flu in the first place.
  • Extreme cold (CDC): This prevention guide offers tips for indoor and outdoor safety in cold weather, including information on building a winter survival kit for your car (a perfect gift idea!).
  • Food safety (MedlinePlus): Is this your first time hosting a holiday gathering? Use these tips to prevent foodborne illness.
  • Winter weather emergencies (MedlinePlus): From cold-related health problems, to power failures, to floods – learn how to prepare with a disaster plan.
  • Hypothermia (MedlinePlus): Your body can lose heat faster than you can produce it, which can cause hypothermia. See these important tips for hypothermia prevention and treatment options.  
  • Frostbite (MedlinePlus): The name says it all. This guide will help you avoid injury to the body caused by freezing, and be sure to cover your nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, and toes when going outdoors.
  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) (MedlinePlus): A change in weather can bring a change in mood. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of seasonal depression and view tips on how to combat it. Visit the Magrath Library on the St. Paul campus to reserve their SAD lamp therapy station, or to check out a SAD lamp for in-home use.  

Library resources to keep you warm on a cold winter’s night

If you are staying local during Winter Break — stop by your favorite University library during open hours to find a fun book or use our DVD collection (including streaming videos).

Use our 12 libraries to catch up on your work, power study, or get ready for spring semester.

Visit some of our fabulous exhibits — and bring your friends! Our current exhibits cover fascinating topics including transgender oral histories, the art of printing, the connection between water and health, and more!


Never disregard your health care providers’ advice or treatment because of something found online. Information provided here is not intended to be used as medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content is for general information purposes only. You should review all information from these and other sources with your healthcare provider. Boynton Health clinics are open to U of M faculty, staff, and students.

Erinn Aspinall

Author Erinn Aspinall

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