The stories of women as workers are as complex, varied, and engaging as the women themselves. Whether their work is paid or unpaid, by choice or by necessity, a path to freedom or a system of exploitation, the idea of “women in the workplace” has embodied many of society’s greatest hopes and fears about what it means to be a woman.
Visit the contentious battleground of women in the workforce and discover the laborers, pioneers, troublemakers, and reformers documented across the Archives and Special Collections and discover what “women’s work” truly embodies.
Curators: Linnea Anderson, Kate Dietrick, and Caitlin Marineau
Exhibit designer: Darren Terpstra
Exhibit details
What: A Woman’s Place: Women and Work
When: November 11, 2019 through March 6, 2020
Where: Elmer L. Andersen Library, 1st Floor Main Gallery
Hours: Open during regular building hours at Elmer L. Andersen Library