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Health Sciences Libraries

Dawn Hackman joins the Bio-Medical Library as a Medical School Liaison

By February 5, 2019September 16th, 2023No Comments

Dawn Hackman, M.S., began her work as a Medical School Liaison at the Bio-Medical Library this past November. In her role, Hackman will work closely with librarians Caitlin Bakker and Sarah Jane Brown as liaisons to the Medical School.

Hackman earned a master’s degree in Archives Management from Simmons College in Boston, Massachusetts, while working as a part-time reference assistant at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences. Prior to that, she graduated cum laude from the University of California Los Angeles with a bachelor’s degree in German. Her track of study emphasized German literature and history.

Hackman comes to University of Minnesota from the University of North Dakota, where she served for eight years as a research and education librarian and an embedded librarian in the Medical Education and Physician Assistant Studies programs. In this role, she provided class-integrated instruction related to library research methods and evidence-based practice, as well as supporting the research of academic faculty and staff. Additionally, she served for four years as Northeast Clinical Campus Librarian, supporting the research needs of clinical faculty and providing health information outreach to unaffiliated health information professionals and consumers in the northeast quadrant of North Dakota.

Hackman is a member of the Medical Library Association, Midwest Chapter/MLA and the Libraries in Medical Education special interest group of the AAMC Central Group on Educational Affairs. She has been a Senior Member of the Medical Library Association’s Academy of Health Information Professionals since 2015.

As a Medical School Liaison, Hackman will support the patient care, clinical research, and educational needs of the Medical School.

When you see her, feel free to ask her about her love of cooking, movies, music, or video games. If you need some conversation starters, ask her what she thought about the most recent Marvel movie, or what song she currently has in her head.

Please join us in welcoming Dawn Hackman.

Allison Thompson

Author Allison Thompson

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