Rendering of Health Sciences Library Makerspace.
At the Health Sciences Libraries, we like to think of our space as a service – advancing the skills of our users at important points in their academic careers, and supported by our exceptional staff.
You can expect to find some familiar spaces when we move into the new Health Sciences Education Center. Our service desk will be prominently placed along the 5th floor corridor. We will also have a large quiet study space, along with ten reservable group study rooms.
You will also see new and enhanced spaces that will support the exploration of emerging technologies in healthcare to advance teaching and learning, research, and patient care.
- Makerspace: The Makerspace will provide the tools and expertise to fuel the development of new ideas for improving healthcare and unlock the creativity our users.
- Data + Visualization Lab: In the Data + Visualization Lab, users will get hands-on experience with data science methods and the language and grammar of visualization and receive help applying them to work and communicate more effectively.
- Virtual and Augmented Reality Lab: The Virtual and Augmented Reality Lab will serve as a hub for University-wide use and exploration of virtual worlds for education, research and patient care.
- Faculty Commons: The Faculty Commons will serve as a gathering place for interprofessional development, discussion, and innovation, with programming support from librarians, specialists, and community partners.
- 1:Button Studios: The seven 1:Button Studios, including one in the Faculty Commons, will make it easy for faculty, staff and students to create professional-quality videos that support teaching and learning, research, public communication, and patient care.
We look forward to welcoming you into our new home in 2020.