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Welcoming new faculty

By August 28, 2019September 16th, 2023No Comments

When you’re new to campus, the University Libraries is here for you. That message is true for new faculty members just as much as for first-year students. Providing tools and resources for UMN faculty is an important job of the Libraries.

This week, we’ve been helping to greet and welcome new faculty as they get started on the Twin Cities campus. At the information fair during New Faculty Orientation, librarians were on hand to share information and demonstrate a virtual reality learning activity.

Faculty perspectives

Krishnamurthy Iyer, Associate Professor in the College of Science and Engineering, enjoyed trying out the virtual reality system with assistance from Associate Librarian Jonathan Koffel.

“It was fun. I’ll consider for students if it could fit into the topic of future classes,” Iyer said.

Cindy Vang, Assistant Professor in the School of Social Work at the College of Education and Human Development, sought out the Libraries table with questions about e-reserves for course content. Vang came away with useful information about course reserves for her classes. She also found out about the subject area librarian who specializes in social work.

Nadja Strobbe, Assistant Professor at the College of Science and Engineering, was excited to learn about Libraries resources. Strobbe will be teaching Intro to Physics this fall and expects to rely on the Libraries for many things: “especially access to journals!”

Tools and resources from the Libraries


Karen Carmody-McIntosh

Author Karen Carmody-McIntosh

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