by Erinn Aspinall
July 2020 marks the move of the Health Sciences Library and Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine into the new Health Sciences Education Center (HSEC).
As the hub for all the health professional schools, HSEC’s spaces will promote interprofessional education and interaction.
Our libraries will play an important role in the building’s interdisciplinary mission. Here are a few examples of how we are building our space as a service.
We hope that these examples help you envision how you will work in our new library spaces.
The Data + Visualization Lab helps researchers communicate complex information with infographics
Students in Karen Monsen’s Doctorate of Nursing Practice course further their informatics specialization by collaborating with the Health Sciences Library to receive training on developing infographics to distill complex information so they can share research findings with a broader audience.

Infographic credit: Jet Role, DNP student.
The Virtual and Augmented Reality Lab helps students gain new perspectives with immersive experiences
Teresa Bisson works with the Health Sciences Library to bring Virtual Reality to her neurorehabilitation classroom where students are immersed in a virtual experience. Through active learning, Bisson’s students are becoming thoughtful users of technology and leaders in a new health care environment.

Teresa Bisson demonstrates virtual reality to her physical therapy class.
The 1:Button Video Recording Studios help students apply course concepts through video presentations
Students enrolled in Melissa Horning’s Public Health Nursing course apply public health principles of prevention, epidemiology, and social justice. Using the Health Sciences Library’s 1:Button Video Recording Studios, Horning’s students created a public service announcement on childhood obesity featuring Captain Celery.

Captain Celery stars as the hero of a video project created by Mairead Herson, Corine Moche, Hao Nguyen, Kristin Wilk, Tara Wilson, and Muna Yusuf.
The Wangensteen Historical Library of Biology and Medicine supports students as they inform care with lessons from the past
Meet Bridget McKenna, budding scholar, future nurse. McKenna’s interest in becoming a labor and delivery nurse was supported by her internship with the Wangensteen Historical Library where she documented the library’s infant feeding collection and created an online exhibit on the topic.

Bridget McKenna
The Makerspace supports educators and providers as they design cost saving tools with 3D printing
As a radiology resident, Mickey Hafertepe has gained insights into the challenge of translating health information into medical practice. Learn how Hafertepe is using 3D printing to help students understand spatial relationships of medical imaging when viewing 3D anatomy on a 2D screen.

Mickey Hafertepe demonstrates a 3D printed bladder, ureters, and collecting system (photo credit Allison Thompson).

Rendering of the new Health Sciences Library entryway.
We’re on the move!
In 2020, the Health Sciences Library will be moving into the newly constructed Health Sciences Education Center, supporting innovation in the health sciences.
Learn how you can support innovation in the health sciences as we provide technology rich environments and expertise that will promote new insights into teaching, learning, and research to address the health challenges of our time.
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