Let’s go on a mini-adventure! Go outside and explore a different street than you are used to traveling, a new park, or look in your neighborhood with a fresh perspective. Remember to enter to be part of our $20 Target gift card contest. Post a picture from your walk to Instagram and tag @umnlib #natureheals by the extended deadline, April 23, 2021.
Try one of these prompts when on your wa
lk to slow down and de-stress:
- Look low, look high, what might be living under the ground and up in a tree?
- Close your eyes. What can you hear close by? What can you hear a little further away? What can you hear in the distance?
- Find four different textures on your walk (rough, smooth, soft, crispy, fuzzy, wet, prickly).
- Sit and be still for 15 minutes. What do you notice around you? You may be still but nature is moving around you.
- What can you smell? See if you can identify three different smells.
- What kind of tree is it? Who lives in the tree? What is the tree’s role in the environment?
- Vary your styles of walking. Speed up, slow down, try short strides and long strides, jump skip.
- Go on a walk and choose something to observe. Maybe you look for the colors of the rainbow, find items of the alphabet, observe fonts on signs, etc.
- Leave your walk to chance. Take a coin with you. At a corner flip a coin to see which direction you should go next. Heads turn right, tails go left.
- Head out and observe. Try counting on your walk. Some examples might be how many dogs you see, cars that go past, smiles of strangers, or park benches.
- If you were a tree – what would you be? Today go outside and find yourself reflected in the trees. Find out more about your tree – where does it like best to grow – what are its needs to thrive. Can you do the same for yourself?
- A photo of any object in nature that represents you. (No selfies please)
- A photo that depicts contrasts (any kind of contrast).
- A photo that has a beautiful pattern in it.
- A photo that brings you great peace.
- A photo that represents resilience to you.
These resources inspired our list:
- “Side Walks: A Journal for Exploring Your City” by Kate Pocrass
- “The Art of Noticing: 131 Ways to Spark Creativity, Find Inspiration, and Discover Joy in the Everyday” by Rob Walker
- “On Looking: Eleven Walks with Expert Eyes” by Alexandra Horowitz
- “Healing Forests” by Nitin Das
Funding provided by Resilient Communities: Libraries Respond to Climate Change, a pilot program of the American Library Association.