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AgEcon Search as a Climate Justice Resource

By October 26, 2022September 16th, 2023No Comments

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This post was authored by Julie Kelly, Linda Eells, and Shannon Farrell

Climate researchers who are looking for studies on the economic aspects of their topics have a rich resource in AgEcon Search, the open access repository for agricultural and applied economics that contains over 170,000 freely available full text journal articles, working papers, conference papers, and other scholarly works.

AgEcon Search is a 25-year partnership between the University of Minnesota Libraries and the University of Minnesota Department of Applied Economics. Over 350 groups contribute some or all of their research output—groups that include all of the major professional associations in agricultural and applied economics as well as many academic departments and government agencies, from around the world.

There are a wide variety of resources pertinent to climate change within AgEcon Search, such as energy economics, resource economics (think forestry, water resources, or land use), environmental economics, transportation research, and international trade. Here are just a few examples of papers in AgEcon Search that relate to climate change:

Organizations whose papers are part of AgEcon Search include the International Institute for Environment and Development, the University of Alberta Department of Resource Economics and Environmental Sociology, Resources for the Future, and the journal Land Use and Water Resources Research from the University of Newcastle.

AgEconSearch is unique in that some of the papers in the repository were only available in print format before they were scanned and uploaded as part of an AgEcon Search digitizing project. Other materials, in particular the 120+ small journals that are included in AgEcon Search, appear in other places on the Internet, but often these are sites that do not receive high rankings on Google or Google Scholar so are not as easily located. Through the addition of metadata, the use of specialized repository software, and a direct relationship with Google Scholar, papers in AgEcon Search are highly ranked by Google and Google Scholar, making this work highly visible and accessible to everyone, around the world..

If you’re interested in using AgEcon Search to search for climate change research, visit our repository webpage and try some of these suggested searches:


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