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The Toaster Blog

A toast to our graduating Ambassadors!

By April 25, 2023February 12th, 2024No Comments

The senior send off is always bitter sweet. The Toaster is so lucky to have consistently welcomed a wonderful team of Toaster Ambassadors since our launch in 2020. Our Ambassadors come from all corners of campus and bring a unique skillset and energy that truly makes the Toaster the Toaster.

This terrific trio is a true testament. A toast to our graduating seniors!

Jenna, Product Design

Jenna is graduating Spring of 2025 with a bachelor’s in product design and a minor in art. She describes her experience at the U as chaotic, fun, and fast-paced. After graduation, Jenna is pursuing an internship/job in board game design or tabletop game design.

During her time at the Toaster, Jenna worked extensively on the interior design of the space. More specifically, she designed wraps for the pillars, designed wall space, and modeled/printed the handle for the paper cutter. As well, Jenna ran the student group Design-U at the Toaster.

Jenna’s favorite aspect of the Toaster is the 3D printers; she loves that they are accessible to all students for experimentation and learning. In addition, Jenna’s best memory of the toaster is eating toast on toast day as she said it was her biggest goal in life. For her parting words, Jenna proclaimed: “Brody is Bae!”. Congratulations Jenna

 – Written by Ava Smith

Zeyu, Marketing & Management Information Systems

Zeyu is graduating in spring 2023 with a degree in Marketing and Management of Information Systems. His post graduation plans are to return to China for a public relations internship at a company. He enjoys playing basketball, guitar, and computer games like Valorant. Zeyu has also worked in the Career Department for Chinese Students and Scholars Association.

Zeyu joined the Toaster team during the summer of 2022. One thing he enjoys about working in the Toaster is being able to learn how to use the various equipment, particularly the 3D printers. A piece of advice that he has for Toaster users is to try different things because there is some pretty cool stuff that we have that people do not know about; such as the virtual reality studio or Nintendo Switch. People can go to the Toaster to relax and take a break from school or studying. Congratulations Zeyu!

– Written by Lauren Kelly

Peter, Journalism & Digital Media

Peter will be graduating in just a few weeks with a bachelor’s degree in Journalism & Digital Media Major. Woohoo Class Spring 2023! Peter shared that during as an undergraduate student, he spent most of his time in the Toaster which eventually led him to join the Toaster Ambassador Community almost a year ago. Something that he’ll miss once he graduates is the awesome environment at the UMN. According to Peter it’s the, “Best college campus environment in the world”.

Have you ever wondered who creates the weekly newsletter… well, Peter is one of the incredible people who helps to create the weekly newsletters! Given the outcomes of the newsletters, he’s done an amazing job! “Every week when I come to work, I always see Peter with his laptop and headphones working on the newsletters. During our shifts together, I’m always so curious and interested in what he’s writing this time!”, said one of the Toaster Ambassadors.

Now that Peter will be graduating, he plans to look for jobs/internships. During the summer he’ll be going to Portland and plans to visit the Toaster to get work done. Lastly, in the fall he plans to apply to Graduate School for Summer 2024!

Thank you, Peter, for all your contributions to the Toaster Community. Once again, congratulations on this big achievement!

 – Written by Arianna Martinez

Kimberlie Moock

Author Kimberlie Moock

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