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The Libraries welcomes a new generation of Gophers

By September 7, 2023September 16th, 2023No Comments

By Adria Carpenter

Another year and another generation of Gophers.

The University of Minnesota Libraries was happy to celebrate a new semester with our incoming students during Welcome Week — a time to explore the Twin Cities campus, learn about the U of M, and find your community.

Students connected and kickbacked with the Multicultural Center for Academic Excellence at Walter Library, and new undergrad and graduate international students mingled during Global Gopher. 

But the biggest draw was Friday’s Campus Exploration Fair, where the Libraries’ welcomed students with open arms and lots of books and flyers.

Students learned about our Makerspaces and The Toaster Innovation Hub — and played a few rounds of mini-golf — before spinning the wheel for challenges and prizes, while hearing about Libby, study spaces, student employment, Mapping Prejudice, and everything the Libraries has to offer.

Inside Walter Library, students explored the historic Arthur Upson Room, or escaped the heat in the Chill Zone, completing the community mandala and making buttons from magazines.

We hope you all have a great fall semester, and we look forward to seeing you around the Libraries throughout your academic career!

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