Donations for the Friends of the Andersen Horticultural Library Book Sale accepted through Aug. 1, 2025
Do you have books, DVDs and puzzles that could use a good home? Donate them to the upcoming Friends of the Andersen Horticultural Library Book Sale, taking place Oct. 3-5, 2025 at the Minnesota Landscape Arboretum. Donations will be accepted now through Aug. 1, 2025. Items can be brought to the Andersen Horticultural Library in the Snyder Building from 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. Tuesday through Friday, and Saturday 10 a.m.-4 p.m. The library is closed Sunday, Monday and holidays.
Accepted items
New and gently used books of all genres (some exceptions below), DVDs, and puzzles.
Not accepted
Encyclopedias, dictionaries, textbooks, magazines, CDs, cassette or VHS tapes, and anything over 10 years old in the following genres: medical, business, health, technology, self-help, spiritual, and romance.