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Facts about off-shore oil drilling

By January 26, 2018September 16th, 2023No Comments

Off-shore oil drillOffshore drilling for oil and natural gas is detrimental to the environment, but economically beneficial for the energy industry in the United States. Before the end of his second term in office, former U.S. President Barack Obama issued a ban on offshore drilling. 

Recently, President Trump declared his intentions to lift the ban and allow energy companies to resume offshore drilling. Some governors of coastal states have objected and the Trump administration, in response to the Florida governor, initially said that Florida was exempt from any expansion of drilling leases. Since then, however, there have been conflicting reports from the administration.  

In the space below, we have compiled some resources to help readers understand the issues and its significance. 

News articles to frame the issue

Freely available government and nonprofit sources

University of Minnesota Libraries Resources

  • Mukherjee, D. and Rahman, M.A. 2016. To drill or not to drill? An econometric analysis of US public opinion. Energy Policy 91: 341-351. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2015.11.023
  • Bennear, Lori S. 2015. Offshore oil and gas drilling: A review of regulatory regimes in the United States, United Kingdom, and Norway. Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 9(1): 2-22.
  • Ivshina, I.B., Kuyukina, M.S., Krivoruchko, A.V., Elkin, A.A., Makarov, S.O., Cunningham, C.J., Peshkur, T.A., Atlas, R.M., and Philp, J.C. Oil spill problems and sustainable response strategies through new technologies. 2015. Environmental Science – Processes & Impacts. 17(7): 1201-1219. DOI: 10.1039/c5em00070j
  • Ellis, J.I., Fraser, G., and Russell, J. 2012. Discharged drilling waste from oil and gas platforms and its effects on benthic communities. Marine Ecology Progress Series. 456: 285-302. DOI: 10.3354/meps09622
  • Kingston, P.F. 2002. Long-term environmental impact of oil spills. Spill Science & Technology Bulletin. 7(1–2): 53-61. DOI: 10.1016/S1353-2561(02)00051-8.

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