Donor Profile: An accidental curator

Vecoli says she was in the right place at the right time when she took…
Treasures that are timeless

Clarence White fosters a sense of history and a variety of passions — and he…
Mark EngebretsonFebruary 17, 2023
New Wiley agreement for open access publishing

The Big Ten Academic Alliance has negotiated a multi-year (2023-2025) agreement with Wiley to waive…
Mark EngebretsonFebruary 15, 2023

A Feast of Words speaker Mike Dockry reminded the Friends of the Libraries group that…
Mark EngebretsonFebruary 9, 2023
Finding Wanda

Perhaps you, you and your parents, you and your children, or you and your siblings…
markengeFebruary 8, 2023
Low-Fidelity Design

This exhibition at the Goldstein Museum of Design attempts to illustrate the intersection between anti-mainstream…
Karen Carmody-McIntoshFebruary 6, 2023

Sherlock Holmes curator Tim Johnson's discusses Andrew Lycett's book, "Conan Doyle's Wide World," on this…
Mark EngebretsonFebruary 5, 2023
Wangensteen Student Showcase

See student success in action! This multi-part exhibit explores how undergraduate students from a variety…
Anna OpryszkoJanuary 30, 2023
Gopherbaloo 2023!

Gopherbaloo was back in person for 2023, after a couple of years being virtual-only due…
markengeJanuary 27, 2023