Want to enjoy a little light reading before the fall semester begins? Need an escape from research articles and literature reviews? Then visit our new exhibit, “From Our Collections,” in Wilson Library.

Pictured are exhibit co-creators Kaia Sievert and Danika Stegeman. Not pictured: Becky Adamski, Elena Carrillo, and Malaika Grant.
The exhibit is themed on “Beach Reads,” and displays books recommended by University of Minnesota faculty, students, Libraries staff, and the general public. All books featured in the exhibit can be checked out from any of the 13 University Libraries locations or requested through the ‘Get It’ service, z.umn.edu/getit.
A sample of current books on display include: “The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay” by Michael Chabon, “The Age of Miracles” by Karen Thompson Walker, and “The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao” by Junot Diaz
Exhibit intended to promote reading for pleasure
The exhibit was created to make popular literature easier to locate and to increase awareness of the nearby Robert and Virginia McCollister Collection for Contemporary Literature, said Elena Carrillo, exhibit co-creator and library manager at Wilson Library. The McCollister Collection is intended to promote reading for pleasure and personal enrichment.
“Sometimes we have people come in who just want to know where the fun books to read are or they want some lighter reading—not something related to their research,” said Kaia Sievert, exhibit co-creator and library assistant. “By having people recommend books, it highlights the items in our collection that people want to read for enjoyment.”
Danika Stegeman, exhibit co-creator and library assistant, said that by seeking book recommendations from a wide variety of people, the exhibit also helps create a sense of community among book enthusiasts on campus. “The people making recommendations are engaged with directly contributing to this project,” she said. “And those viewing the exhibit can get personal book recommendations—even if they never meet in person.”
Visit the exhibit on the first floor of Wilson Library or at our Pinterest page, pinterst.com/umnlibraries, where you will find information on the book’s location and a description of why it was recommended. Future exhibit themes will be developed in advance or based on the submitted book recommendations.
Want to recommend books to be included in future “From Our Collections” exhibits? Fill out a recommendation form at the exhibit or online at z.umn.edu/fromourcollections.
—Laura Krueger