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The Face of Our Friends 2012

By July 26, 2012September 16th, 2023No Comments
Pete Magee

Pete Magee

Minnesotans tend to be fascinated with the past, especially the history of the culture of our state. That’s why so many people enjoy visiting the Minnesota Institute of Art, the Weisman Art Museum, or the Historical Society Museum, but there’s a fascinating place few people think about. Beneath the red-brick Elmer L. Andersen Library, perched on the bluff on the Mississippi’s west bank, are the remarkable and diverse archives held by the University of Minnesota Libraries. These archives are stored in nearly 100,000 cubic yards of caverns carved into the limestone bluff, holding records, books, and artifacts as different as the early history of photography from the Mertle Collection, the Babbage Institute’s History of Computing and manuscripts of children’s books like Good Night Moon and Pippi Longstocking.

Some of the most fascinating and precious archives come from the enormous artistic heritage of the northern Middle West. The Libraries’ Archives have playbills from every season of the Guthrie Theater. Costume bibles from early productions contain the sketches from which the costumes were created as well as swatches of their material. The papers of the major American poet, Robert Bly, are there, from manuscripts of his own work to letters he sent to aspiring poets when he edited literary magazines. The archives of active organizations like the Minnesota Orchestra and defunct entities like the Theatre de la Jeune Lune are in the collection. Together the Cultural Heritage archives provide a vivid picture of the artistic ferment that’s characterized Minnesota for more than 100 years.

Preserving archives like these takes much more than the perfectly temperature-controlled environment of the caverns, although that’s essential. It takes curation of the contents of the individual files by the knowledgeable and skilled archivists, preservation of fragile pieces like the costume bibles, and in the case of audio-visual materials, migration from old style format such as 16 mm film to a stable form. Recognizing this, the Friends of the University of Minnesota Libraries are working to help the Libraries to find ways to carry out that preservation and continue to organize and inventory the archives’ contents. The Friends’ goal is to help with preservation and expansion of the collections, to integrate them more deeply into University curriculum and projects, and to showcase them nationally and online.

Pete Magee
President, Friends of the Libraries

Thank you to our Friends and Supporters

This list recognizes all contributions to the University of Minnesota Libraries from July 1, 2010 through December 31, 2011. Although every effort has been made to ensure accuracy, errors may occur. If we have omitted your name or listed your name incorrectly, please contact Lanaya Stangret at 612-624-9339 orĀ

In-Kind Donations

Dudley Riggs
Sara S. Roberson
Harriet Mc Clain
Susan Jonas
Robert W. Rosene

$50,000 to $99,999

Jane E. Larson Estate*
Muriel M. Orcutt Estate*

$10,000 to $24,999

CME Group Foundation
Virginia S. & Robert J. McCollister
Leonard R. Olds & Hugh G. Rouse
Harold & Myra Shapiro
Philip H. Willkie

$5,000 to $9,999

Agricultural & Applied Economics Assn.
Dr. Cornelia W. Ooms Beck
John P. Densmore
Elmer & Eleanor Andersen Fdn.
Dr. Fred R. Erisman
Norwegian Explorers of Minnesota Inc.
Owen H. & Sarah D. Wangensteen Trust. Fund

$1,000 to $4,999

Associates of the James Ford Bell Library
Michael & Natalie Bachelder
The Baker Street Irregulars
Profs Beverly Balos & Mary L. Fellows
Dr. Marjorie Wall Bingham and Thomas Egan
Eleanor Butler Cameron Estate*
Drs. Edward J. & Arlene E. Carney
Martha N. Douglas
Dr. John P. Driscoll
Ezra Jack Keats Fdn. Inc.
Bernard W. and Norma B. Gaffron
Susan Hill Gross
Gregg Hildebrandt
Julia A. Kelly
Lois E. & Richard J. Kelly
Jack B. & Geraldine B. King
Marla J. Kinney
Ronald & Eva Kinney Family Fdn.
Melvin Kirschner
Solveig M. Kramer
Dr. Michael D. Lougee & Wendy Pradt Lougee
Reid V. MacDonald
Dr. C. Peter Magrath
Mary Anne & John J. Mauriel Jr.
The Minnesota Orchestra
Ann S. & Felix M. Phillips
James N. Pritzker
William S. Reese
Robert Rulon-Miller
Zon R. Shumway
Margaret Telfer
Dr. Stephanie C. Van D’Elden
Dr. Peter R. & Eunice Weisensel

$500 to $999

Prof. Joseph R. Allen
Robert Anholt & Ann Waltner
Dr. Gregory G. & Leota K. Brucker
Connie J. Foote
John J. Foreman
Dr. Clifford C. Fortin
Dr. Brian R. Gabrial
Dr. Margaret J. Hornbacher
R. J. Hoyle & Dr. Karen Nelson Hoyle
Joan S. Humes
Innovations in Medicine LLC
Layne M. Johnson
Drs. Charles R. & Sally B. Jorgensen
Martin & Esther Kellogg
Dr. Robert C. Kratz
Dr. Russell H. & Karen A. Larsen
Adam M. Lerner
Mac Donald & Mack Architects Ltd
Martayan Lan Inc.
Medtronic Fdn.
John E. & Suwanee Murphy
Steven P. & Monica Nagel
Linda C. Odegard & Harlan M. Cavert
Dr. Hans G. Othmer & Sophie Liu-Othmer
Daniel A. and Patricia C. Panshin
Dr. Ronald G. Perrier
Dr. Donald K. Pollock
Joseph F. Slate
Jean M. Stevenson
Loren E. Swanson
Evelyn J. Swenson
Terry L. & Virginia M. Tranter
Dr. Barbara F. Weissberger
Dr. Stephen Willging and Katherine Wells
Dr. Ivor Winton & John A. Felipe

$499 and below

The 106 Group Ltd
3M Fdn. Inc.
Habon D. Abdulle
Mahmoud M. Aborabeh
Jessica Abson
Jeffrey L. Adams
Vida & Gordon P. Adelman
Vishal S. Agarwal
Dr. George E. Ahlgren
Bruce D. Aikin
Alliancz Medical Consultants Inc.
Nancy E. Allison
Elizabeth Amad
American Medical Systems Inc.
Karolyn S. Anderson
Thomas D. Anderson
Janet I. Anderson
Ralph J. Anderson
Donald D. Anderson
Scott E. Anderson
Anita M. Anderson
Marion L. Anderson
Ryoichi Ando
Susan J. Andrews
Dr. John O. Anfinson
Omar Ansari
Anthony Armstrong
Joan M. Arndt
Doris H. Arnold
Megan J. Arnold
Nardin Ashkan
Elizabeth H. Askey
Nancy C. Assaf
John H. Augustine
Arvind Auluck-Wilson
Ashanti P. Austin
Margie J. Autry
Cathy A. Aykens
Barbara S. Bach
Wyatt D. Bachman
Manish Baid
Drs. George W. & Nancy R. Bain
Donald A. & Beverly A. Bajus
Zachary M. Baker
Jeffrey S. Baker
Mary F. Baker
Ram K. Balachandran
Drs. Todd & Karen Ballen
Dr. Carolyn Y. Bang
Elvi J. Bankey
Dr. Laird H. Barber
Mary C. Barclay
Kirstine R. & Gerald P. Barnaby
Harold P. Barron
Janet L. Bartels
Dr. Robert W. & Sharon J. Bastian
Sandra L. Batalden
Patricia Bauer & David Geister
Caroline C. Baum
Allan Baumgarten & Marilyn Levi-Baumgarten
Sheree L. Beam
Jean M. & Lewis Beccone
Martha E. Beck
Matthew J. Beehr
Eileen E. Beha
Patricia S. Belian
Gerald P. Bender
Mary Ann Benditt
John D. Bengtson
Stanton O. Berg
Phillip & Karen Bergem
Mark J. Bergen
John E. Bergquist & Inez Waltman Bergquist
Jane C. Bergstrom
Frances A. Bernhardt
Anne E. Bertram
Kelsey E. Beson
Best & Flanagan LLP
Hilary M. Beste
Raymond L. Betzner
Robert C. Beverage
Karen M. Bihrle
Deborah Biorn
Prof. John C. & Laura D. Bischof
Dr. Stephen I. Bistner
John R. Bitterman
Thomas J. Blackmar
Dr. Elizabeth S. Blake
Peter E. Blau
Elizabeth S. D. Blaufuss
BlueCross BlueShield of Minnesota
Timothy C. Bodin
Keith A. Boe
Thelma Boeder
Dorothy C. Bohn
Barbara Andersen Bolling
Alan J. Bonham
Cecelia N. Boone
Prof. Norman E. Bowie
Bruce Bowman
Miss. Shirley M. Brady
Michael Brahmey
Steve A. & Gail G. Brand
Linda S. Brandt
Frank R. Braun
Dr. David W. & Evelyn P. Breeden
Peggy A. Brewer
Briggs and Morgan PA
Dr. Betty Taylor Bright
Michael B. Brock
Frederick W. Brooke IV
Vincent Brosnan
Elizabeth True Browder
Susan M. Brown
Myrna W. Brudvig
Lucy M. & Robert Brusic
Michael P. Bruzenak
Gary R. Bunce
Grace Y. Bunday
Sharon J. Bunnell
Roger F. Burg
Dr. Barbara A. Burke
Deborah E. Burke
Timothy A. Burleson
Joseph W. Burns
Dr. Michael L. Burwell
Margarete C. Busse
Dr. Bartlett R. Butler*
Shelley J. Butler
David E. & Elizabeth J. Byer
Nancy G. Caffoe
James T. Cahoy
Robert F. Cairo Jr.
Michael D. Callaghan
Alicia A. Cameron
Prof. Karlyn Kohrs Campbell
Richard M. Caplan
Rick Cardenas
Michael Carey and Margaret Brown-Carey
Raymond Carlson
Anne M. & James D. Carlson
Donna M. Carlson
Karen J. Carlson
Vera M. Carney
Cherleigh A. Carpenter
Louise Carpentier
Mary Ellen Carroll
Margaret & Alejandro Catambay
Richard E. Cawood
Mark Ceilley
Kathie A. Cellotti
Dr. Rhonda Chakolis & Robert Swilling
Oscar B. Chamberlain
Dr. Chi-Keung Chan
Dr. Thim K. Cheng
Chu-Yuan W. & Dr. Chia-Pin Chiu
Sharon L. Chmielarz
Karen M. Chobot
Kar-Keat Chong
James L. Chosy
Daniel C. Chouinard
Shirley J. Christenson
Dr. David L. Christenson
Ilene Christian
J. R. Christianson
Ellory J. Christianson
Lori A. Chu
Cornell Chun
Chris O. Cley
Brad Cohen
Saul Cohen
Patrick K. Coleman
Ann Marie Connor
John T. Cook
Elaine M. & Joseph A. Coppola
Dr. Maryann Z. Corbett
Margaret H. Cords
Bradley J. Coulthart
Elizabeth H. Cowie
J. Randolph Cox
John R. Coy
Willard D. Crakes
Jon R. Cranney
Patty Crawford
Jacquelyn M. Cronin
Dr. Edwin L. Crosby
Crosby Law Office
Margaret L. Cruikshank
Dr. Michael J. Cullen
Cuningham Group Architecture PA
Philip J. Cunningham
Lu Ellen F. Curran
Dr. Edward J. Cushing
CW Controls Inc.
Dr. Caroline M. Czarnecki
Lawrence J. Czarnecki
Barbara DaCosta
Randy P. Dahl
Guangrong Dai
Richard & Doris Dale
Rowshan K. Daneshy
Siddharth Dangwal
Joanne M. & Treffle R. Daniels
Deepanwita Dasgupta
Dennis R. Davideit
Diane L. Debban
Americo J. Del Calzo
Joseph T. Delaney Jr.
Jim DeLeo
Dr. Robert and Jill DeMaster
George Deretich
Marcel A. Derosier
Bruce Derscheid
George F. & Lynne Detrick
Nancy R. Devine
William J. & Barbara I. Dewey
Dezhnev & Co. Inc.
Susan Z. Diamond & Allan T. Devitt
Richard L. Dieterle
Dr. Christopher Dietz & Jo Anne Judge-Dietz
Michael D. Dirda
Julie Dirksen
David B. Dobson
Elizabeth Brenner Dodson
Nathaniel S. Doku
Mercedes A. Dolan
Bruce R. Doran
Dorsey & Whitney LLP
John D. Douthit
Dr. Daniel R. Doyle
Georgina M. J. Doyle
Rita B. Drone
Thomas L. Drucker
Dr. Joel R. Dufresne
Shirley & James Dunn
Melanie J. Dunshee
Kelly Dupre
James N. Duprey
William K. Dustin
Nomi & Martin Dworkin
Carol C. & Robert E. Dye
Dr. Robert Dykstra
Christine A. Dyrud
E. L. F. Research Services LLC
East View Cartographic Inc.
Dr. Jo Anne Eckhardt
Michael V. Eckman
Joseph J. Eckrich
Eugene I. Edie
Irene E. Eelkema
Bradley C. Eggen
Caroline & John R. Ellis
Michael & Beverly Ellis
Elisabeth Ellsworth
Jean M. Elvekrog
Emerson Electric Co.
Robert A. Emery
Mark W. Emme
Emmons & Oliver Resources Inc.
George E. Emrick
Clement C. Engen
Carol J. Erdahl
Karen S. Erickson
Leonard P. Erickson
John G. & Elizabeth B. Erickson
John A. Ernste
Kurt M. Errickson
Jane E. Eschweiler
Dr. Patricia R. & Richard M. Evans
Mauri L. Evans
Faegre Baker Daniels LLP
Kathleen G. Fahey
Linda Falch
Judith L. & Edward L. Farmer
Lawrence F. Farrar
Kimberly K. Faurot
Dr. Sonia N. Feder-Lewis
Steven R. Ficks
Heidi & David Fielding
Mary Ann Finegan
Fish & Richardson P. C.
Dean Thomas Fisher & Claudia Wielgorecki
Kelly M. Flannigan
Wallace E. Flatgaard
Joseph M. Floeder
Dr. Alan R. Flory
Susan C. Flynn
Sharon M. Folk
Virginia P. Follstad
Ronald E. Fontaine
Rose Ann Foreman
James E. Frazier
Dr. Frank B. Freedman
Dr. Carol J. Freeman
Dr. Jeanne E. Freiburg
Sarah L. French
Melanie J. & Roger L. Frick
Dr. Alan B. Frol
T. M. Fromkin
Carrol L. Fry
Rosemary Furtak
Pamela Gagnon
Thomas S. Galbo
Prof. Lee Galda Pellegrini
Denis P. Gardner
John T. & Nancy H. Garland
Marge Garske
Dr. David J. Gasperino
Eileen A. Gavin
Prof. Mary Ellen Gee
Kurt R. Gegenhuber
Thomas A. Gekler
General Mills Fdn.
General Mills Inc.
Christopher P. Georgacas
Patrick C. & Heidi George
Helen M. George
Dr. Daniel R. Gilbert Jr.
Caroline M. Gilbert
Dr. Irvyn G. Gilbertson
Michael Gilleland & Elisabeth Parrish
Thomas P. Gilsenan
Meg & Wayne Gisslen
Geralyn A. Glasser
Barbara L. Golden
Terence M. Golden
Clifford Goldfarb
Jennifer L. Goloboy
Julie Gonzalez
Allen E. Gooch
Goodrich Sensors & Integrated Systems
Dr. Christine Mack Gordon
Maria S. & Thomas J. Gottwalt
Todd F. Grant
John & Lucille Gravelle
Bonnie B. Graves
Melissa L. Gray
Johnathan Gray
Anne L. Gray
Greater Twin Cities United Way
Larry Greaves
Leon & Marcia Greenfield
Dr. Adele A. Greenlee
Patricia M. Greenlees
Dr. David Gregg & Peg Hersch
Alexian A. Gregory
Ronald P. Grenier
Julie M-C Greunke
Linda Greve
Dr. David F. Grigal
Rosanne E. Gronseth
Mary Lewis D. Grow
Shane J. Grunewald
Janet Gulden
Dr. Laura J. Gurak
Robert S. Guthrie
Rosalie B. Guthrie
Sharon A. Haas
Clair R. Haberman
Dr. Jan J. Hacker
Mary M. Hackman
Constance Haddeland
Donna K. Hageman
Susan Haggberg-Miller
Elizabeth Hall
Ralph E. Hall
Kathleen M. Hall
James C. Hamm
Hammel Green & Abrahamson Inc.
Dr. Heidi E. Hammond
Prof. C. Michael Hancher Jr.
Brenda G. Hansen
Dr. Barbara E. Hanson
Douglas W. Hanson
Andrew P. Hanson
Dr. Donald F. Hanson
Jon M. Harkness & Jean Storlie
Jeffrey L. Harnly
Yevgeniya Harrington
Jeffory Hart
Rowena Hartman
Randy J. Hartten
John P. & Nancy K. Harvat
Robert W. Hasebroock
Mary Flo Hatcher
James R. Hawkins
Health Partners Research Fdn.
Patrick E. Healy
Gretchen Heath
Larry S. Hebert
Kathleen B. Hedges
Ronald W. Heil Jr.
Dr. Judith C. Helgen
Donald Helgeson & Sue Shepard
Michael J. Hensley
Dr. Se Jin Heo
Barbara A. Herbert
Helena Hernmarck
Evelyn A. Herzog
Robert C. Hess
Hess Roise & Co. Inc.
Dylan D. Hicks
Masamichi Higurashi
Robert Hiller
Frances P. Hillier & K. A. Hillier Smith
Barbara J. Hillman
James M. Hirsch
Dr. Norbert Hirschhorn
Historical Information Gatherers Inc.
Don Hobbs
Nancy K. Hof
Arthur L. & Donna J. Hogenson
Eugene D. Hogenson
Joyce W. Holbrook
Thaddeus Holt
Dr. Torild M. Homstad
Michael C. Hooven
Dr. Margaret E. Horsnell
Dr. Lawrence M. Hossfeld
Elvira Houben-Schlag & Joel Schlag
Douglas B. Hoverson
Hon William R. & Julie G. Howard
Prof. John R. Howe Jr. & Judith J. Howe
Dr. Kathleen Howe
Prof. Dennis R. & Audrey K. Hower
Natalie R. Hoyle
Lucinda L. Hruska-Claeys
George J. Hubbs
Sarah & James Hubbs
Humberto R. Huergo
Robert W. Hull
Christopher J. Hunder
Yvonne B. & James E. Hunter Sr.
Diane G. Hutchinson
Prof. Emeritus Warren E. & Mary E. Ibele
IBM International Fdn.
Intel Fdn.
Jerome H. & Nancy L. Irsfeld
Richard T. Isaacson
Akiko & Yu Ishii
Amit V. Itagi
Russell D. Iverson
Dr. William V. Jackson
Eric P. Jacobsen
Dr. David W. Jacobson
Kathleen M. Jaglo-Joseph
Dr. William R. Jahnke II
Bernadette P. & Jeffrey M. Janisch
Harald H. Jensen
May P. Jesseph
Maria Jette
Dr. Rajat Jhanjee
Hua Jin
Dr. Rosie Webb Joels
Thea Johansen
John W. Mooty Fdn. Trust.
Carol A. & Dennis J. Johnson
Jo Ann M. Johnson & D. David Lenander
Dr. Deidre A. Johnson
Dr. Donald C. Johnson
Dr. Josie R. Johnson
Douglas A. Johnson
Robert W. Johnson
Shelley Johnson
JoAnn K. Johnson
Dr. Michelle A. Johnson
C. Wallace Johnson
Barbara M. Johnson
Carol A. Johnson
Margel R. Johnson
Prof. Ruth E. Jones*
Edward T. Jones
Miss. Ellen M. Jones
Dr. Heidi L. Joos
John T. Kablan
Richard Y. Kain & Katherine Simon Frank
Leslie J. Kallas
Christa C. Kamenetsky
Mary Ann Kan
Dr. Maythee J. Kantar
Gita Kar
Stefanie M. & Robert I. Karon
Herbert L. Karrer III
John S. Katics
Dr. Robert S. Katz
John F. & Joyce M. Kaufman
Dr. Michael H. Kean
Janet V. Keefe
Henry D. Keen & Jill Averil Keen
Dr. Steven J. Keillor
Daniel T. Kelley
Janet M. Kellogg
Lawrence J. Kelly Jr.
Carol Jo & Donald G. Kelsey
X. J. C. & Dorothy M. Kennedy
Dr. Robert A. & Andrea E. Kerlan
Dr. Jeffrey & Denise Kerlan
Jack D. Key
J. William Keyser
Nahid S. Khan
Drs. Mary B. & John M. Killen
Margaret L. Kirkpatrick
Catherine A. R. Kirkpatrick
Dr. Richard J. & Patricia L. Kirschner
Dr. Deane A. Kishel
Prof. David B. Kittelson
Dr. C. Frederick Kittle & Ann C. Bates Kittle
Richard J. & Francine Kitts
Dr. Peter J. Kizilos-Clift
David J. Klaassen
Dr. Verla J. Klassen
Peter Klaus
Jeffrey Klaus
Dr. James A. & Annearle M. Klein
Lori J. Klein
Allan W. Klein
George E. Kline
Paul A. Kluge
Mary A. Knox
John C. Knudson
Carolyn R. & Clayton J. Knutson
Jack K. & Tania G. Koegel
John B. Koelle
Susan B. Koelmel
Sharon R. & Kenneth P. Koeneman
Brett Koenig
Karen Koepp
Nancy Kosciolek
Luanne S. W. Koskinen
Timothy Kraack
Eleanor L. Krahn
Wayne L. Krefting
Rosemary & George Kreutzer
Prof. Nicolai V. Krylov
Brian J. Krysinski
Andrew Kuchling
Lydia V. Kulesov
Steven L. Kummer
Linda J. Kuusisto & Daniel C. Gumnit
Lora Landers
Christoph A. Landolt
Alice L. Lane
Dr. Dale L. Lange
Elizabeth A. Lange
Kyle A. Langlands
Jackie Lannin
Kris H. Larsen
Mary L. Larsgaard
Kathleen Mehler Larson
Joan B. Larson
Dr. Dennis L. Larson
Donald F. Larsson
Prof. Alan K. & Peggy E. Lathrop
John Lauber
Dr. Robert T. Laudon
Law Offices Of Brad C. Eggen
Steven P. Le Beau
Michelle Lee
Marlyce I. & Don E. Lee
Nancy A. Lee
Mary E. Leeder
Steve L. Legenhausen
Keith R. Legg
Susan and Jim Lenfestey
Leonard Street and Deinard PA
Mary C. Leone
Harry J. & Sandy Lerner
Rex H. Levang
Dr. John I. & Rachel G. Levitt
Dr. Rhoda G. Lewin
Anne L. G. Lewis
Susan G. Lewis
Bernard Q. Li
Edward Licht
Gregg R. Lichtscheidl
David R. Lieberman
Jon H. Lienemann
Nan P. Lightner
Kenneth W. Lindberg
Robert O. Linde
Herbert A. Linder
Lindquist & Vennum PLLP
Hilia J. Lindroos
Joe R. Lineweaver
Arleta M. Little
Charles S. & Maryanne Lo
LaVasha Michelle Lobbins
Idelle Longman
Mary O. & Charles R. Longsworth
Joshua A. Lorenz
Christopher B. Loring
Barbara Stoffels Lubin
Mary E. Lukkarila
Dr. Radhika Lunawat
Alison T. Lund
Dr. David A. Lundberg
Dr. Gerold Luss
Hung T. Ly
Molly K. Lynch
Norman T. Lynskey
Barbara M. & John C. Lynskey
David B. Lyons
Dr. Suping Lyu
Raymond N. Mackenzie
Paul T. & Beatrice B. Magee
Carol S. & T. Richard Magin
Gregory Maguire
Shrirang P. & Deepa Mahajan
Ramona Mahboob
Andrew S. Malec
Ronald C. Manguson
Russell A. Mann
B. Katherine Maple & William G. Driver
Abby Marcus
Jerry Margolin
Laurence J. & Karin J. Margolis
Harry S. Markley
Drs. Erwin & Doris G. Marquit
Marquit-Grieser Fund
Marcia K. Marshall
Jennifer L. Martin
Carole A. & Charles P. Martin
Dr. George R. Martin Jr.
Dr. Brian C. Martinson
Gayla S. Marty
Dr. M. Lavonne Marubbio
Showsaku Mashimo
William E. Mason
Sujata C. Massey
Phyllis M. Mattill
Le Roy T. Mattson
Dr. Ihor I. Mayba
Donald P. Mayer
Christopher Mayer & Solveig Erickson-Mayer
Dr. Martha Mayou
Tom Mc Cabe
Dr. Virginia S. Mc Ferran
Dr. Robert G. Mc Kinnell
Michael E. Mc Kuras
Curtis B. Mc Namara
Michael L. Mc Phee & Amy Okaya
Drs. Michael J. & Mary O. McCarthy
Dr. John W. McConnell
Gerald W. McCormick
Brian W. McCuskey
Mary McDiarmid
Dr. Robert E. McGeachie
Michael C. McGehee
Katherine L. McGill
Maureen McGuire
Nancy N. McIntosh
Jill E. McLean Odegaard
Susan K. McNellis
Mark H. McNitt
Jay T. Mega Jr.
Kerry B. Melear
Dr. James H. Merrell
Kim J. Merriam
Russell L. Merritt
Joyce A. Meyer
Elizabeth A. Meylor
Lynn Middleton-Koller
MilkSpecialties Inc.
Phyllis Miller
Angela S. Miller
Steven C. & Cherie Miller
Clark W. Millikan
Dr. Gerald G. Mindrum
Robert A. & Marveen A. Minish
The Minnesota Opera
Minnesota Public Radio
Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association
Michael N. Missaghi
Jeffrey L. Missling
Smarajit Mitra
Dr. Phyllis Moen & Richard P. Shore
Sarat K. Mohapatra
Pamela S. Molin
Frances T. Monaghan
Dr. Cuauhtemoc Mondaca Fernandez
Prof. Dianne L. Monson
Lucia T. Morison
William T. Morris
Mary J. Moxness
Gregory A. Moynagh
Jonathan D. Muecke
Allan E. Mueller
Darrin S. Mueske
William J. Muggli
Dr. Ann E. Mullaney
Carol J. Mulligan
Donna J. Munro
Dr. Joshua S. Musikantow
Nebenzahl-Spitz Foundation
Roger A. & Ann L. Nelsen
Geraldine M. & Darby M. Nelson
Dr. Owen & Deborah Nelson
Terry Nelson
Darlys H. Nelson
Rev Allan O. & Imogene Nelson
Muriel B. Nelson
Dr. Carol J. Nelson
Prof. Joel I. Nelson
Karen Nemchik & Tariq Samad
Dr. Brian J. Nerney
Vanessa H. Ng
Gin C. Ng
Michael L. Nichols
Dr. Susan E. Nicol
Carol R. B. Nielson
Diana M. Niskern
Ellis S. Nolley III
Dr. Earl Nolting
Gail D. Nordstrom
Meredith L. Norstrom
Northlake Christian School
Barbara R. Nussbaum
Dr. Thomas A. Oas
Rosalie Wacker O’Brien
Emma O’Brien
Michael G. O’Connor
Isabell M. O’Connor
Thomas C. Odde
Dr. Wayne P. Ode
Alice A. & Terrence O’Donnell
Sidney Offit
JoAnn O’Gara
Gary D. Ohlrogge
Dr. William H. Ojala
Shirley P. M. Olson
Steven E. Olson
Marsha G. Olson
John Ozol
Jerry Palms
Drs. Marcia J. & Jon A. Pankake
James L. Park
Sarah Y. Park
Dr. David L. & Mary M. D. Parker
Stephen L. & Lois K. Parker
Carolyn R. Parker
Joshua & Lesley Parker
Carol J. & Peter F. Parshall
V. Russell Patience
Jennie C. Paton
Charles Patz
Marilynn J. Patzwald
Jane A. Paulsen
Arthur J. Payne
Glenn D. Payton
Mark W. Pearson
Dr. Bette J. Peltola
Michael L. Peluso
Otto Penzler
Linda A. Perkins
Cherie R. Perlmutter
Rev Jac D. Perrin
Personnel Decisions Research Institutes Inc.
Judith R. Peters
Amanda & Reed Petersen
Penny A. Petersen
David L. Peterson
Mary Ann & Garry F. Peterson
Rolf A. & Kathleen M. Peterson
Timothy E. Peterson
June N. Peterson
Pexys Inc.
Dr. Ann M. Pflaum
The Pharmacia Fdn. Inc.
Anne K. Phillips
Michael O. Phillips
Howard C. Pierce
Pinnacle Engineering Inc.
James Pirie & Linda Eells
Dr. Julian G. Plante
The Playwrights’ Center Inc.
Andrew M. Pliml
Dr. Georgiana R. Podulke
Shirley L. Poliquin
Kimaree K. Poole
Diana D. Post
Charles E. Poster
Sandra J. Potter
Dennis Poupard
Nancy L. Powell
Todd Powell
PRAD Technologies
Sarah J. Pradt
Charles Press
Dr. Mary C. Preus
Prof. Karel L. Prikry
Cleone F. Pritchard
Promoting Healthy Democracy
Gayle L. Puhl
Steven C. Pundt
Virginia G. Puzak
Nicholas J. Puzak
John P. Pyle
Miss. Eileen M. Quanbeck
David W. Quist
Leslie Greaves Radloff
Dr. Marguerite Ragnow Campion
Dennis A. Rahaman
Carol A. Raichert
Viveka Ranjitsinh
Dorothy M. Rasmussen
Wendylee Raun
Judith K. Ream
Red Balloon Bookshop
Joan L. Reddy
Chris Redmond
Rodney E. & Patricia A. Reeve
Pamela M. Reierson
Dr. Christopher S. Reigstad
Daniel T. Reilly
Julie L. & James C. Reimer
Joanne A. Reisberg
Reluceo Inc.
Frank L. Rembisz
Patricia A. Rethwill
Cathy E. Retzer
Vanessa R. Reubendale
Scott A. Reynolds
Dianne Rhein
Susan M. Rice
Dana Richards
Selma K. Richardson
Raymond H. Riethmeier
Christopher T. Riley
Catherine J. Ritchie
Duane J. Rivard
Mary Kathryn Robbins & Catherine F. Croghan
Erica Roberts
Karen E. Robinson
Paul A. Robinson
George W. Robinson
Robert E. Robinson
Anthony C. Rodriguez
Wendy L. Roehlke
Dr. Kim Lacy Rogers
Barbara Z. & Paul O. Rogne
Charlene K. Roise
Paul & Rebecca D. Rombach
Monica Rommel
Nancy C. Romslo
Dr. Daina B. Rosen
Leslie Rosenbaum
Miriam & Jerold Rothstein
Alexander E. Rozenson
Anne L. Rozga
Dr. Mitchell E. Rubinstein
Helen M. Rudie
Thomas L. Ruen
David O. Rupp
Marilyn I. Rushenberg
Richard M. Ryan
Stephen J. Ryan
Judith E. Rys
Zujaja Sadiq
Saint Paul Academy & Summit School
Dr. Franklin B. Saksena
Herbert Sally Jr.
Ann G. Salovich Estate*
Margaret A. Sandine
Zachary G. Sands
Dr. Jack A. Sartell
Nancy P. Sather
Jane I. Satkowski
William J. Satzer
Roberta L. Saunders
Savvysherpa Inc.
William K. Scattergood Jr.
Joyce E. Schampel
John L. Scherer*
Robert A. Scherrer
Paula Schevers
David H. & Judith A. Schlief
Drs. Leonard D. & Linda M. Schloff
John D. Schmidt & Robert K. Anderson
Gerald M. Schnabel
Jared S. Schneekloth
Robert J. Schneider
Dr. Joanne C. Schneider
Scott E. Schraut
Kathleen E. Schubert
Mary H. Schullo
John A. Schultz
Prof. Julie A. Schumacher
Seagate Techology
Mark E. Sedio
Gail S. See
Doris J. Seely
William J. Seil
Cynthia M. Shabb
Dr. Oswald A. Shanalingigwa
Dr. Linda C. K. Shane & Orrin C. Shane III
Prof. Alan E. & Linda J. Shapiro
Carrie L. Shaw
Peter J. Shea
Dr. Bernard J. & Nga N. Sheehan
Ames Sheldon
A. C. Shepherd Jr.
Sherlock In L. A.
Richard D. Shields
John C. Shillock
Diane C. Shimek
Shirley A. Shimota
Prof. W. Phillips and Barbara S. Shively
Barbara J. Short
Carol Hanson Sibley
Joyce V. Sidman
Marilyn A. Siebert
Joan and Mary Silaco
Honorable Patricia Simmons & Lester Wold
Prof. Terrence W. Simon
Rachel N. Simpson
Paul G. Singleton III
Anthony D. Sisson
Ann M. Sittig
Rev Theodore D. Sitz
Doris E. Skalstad
Charles W. Skrief
John D. Slack
Dr. Stephen J. Smela
Dmitri V. Smirnov
James P. Smith
Prof. Lawrence H. Smith
Louann Smith
Joan T. Smith
Norma J. Smith Olson & Mark A. Olson
Rachel L. Smoka-Richardson
Katherine R. Smola
Andrew L. Solberg
Richard G. Solstad
Francis J. Sorauf
Barbara R. Spannaus
Charles Spetland & Paula Brugge
Dr. Stephen E. Spielberg
Ruth E. Sponheim
John R. Springfield
Dr. Jay Srinivasan
Jane J. St. Anthony
St. Croix Oral Maxillofacial & Implant Surgery
Matthew J. Stafki
Dr. Susan M. Stan
Evan R. Stanley
Mark D. Stansbury-O’Donnell
Freda & Theofanis G. Stavrou
Philip L. Stedje*
Maureen Steenblock
James W. Steer
Betty Kay & George F. Stein
Dr. Linnea A. Stenson
Eugene V. Stepanov
Coreen B. Stettner Blau
John W. Stewig
Randall Stock
Joanne & Paul E. Stohl
Terrence L. Stokke
Richard E. Stone
Richard T. Stone
Carol C. Stoppelmann
Kenneth R. Storm Jr.
The Stormy Petrels Of B. C.
Jeffrey Strand
Jennifer Stromer-Galley
Jack Stuart
June C. Stubbins
Lori C. Sturdevant
William R. Sturtz Jr.
Grace K. Sulerud
Prof. Constance A. Sullivan
Christopher R. Sullivan
Michael G. Sultan
Summit Envirosolutions Inc.
Joseph E. Supplee
Dr. Jack T. Surek
Dr. Aimee Sutherland & Frederick B. Swengel
Svoboda Ecological Resources
Prof. Craig E. & Janet F. Swan
Deborah E. Swanson
Dr. Diana R. Swanson
Charles L. Swanson
Drs. Todd A. Swanson & Barbara G. Houts-Swanson
Richard Swanson
David C. Sweet
Dr. Gregory T. & Jeanette L. Swenson
Philip H. Swiggum
Eric H. Swiggum
Natalie Synhaivsky
Dr. Edward H. Szachowicz II
David M. Szewczyk
Martin Tahara
James D. Talley & Donna L. Barbour-Talley
Roger R. Tamte
Rafael E. Tarrago
John Tartaglia & Carol E. Barnett
Jennifer R. Tatsuda
Vickie H. Taylor
Prof. Romeyn Taylor
Merrily E. Taylor
Robert G. Taylor
Jamie L. Taylor
TCF Fdn.
Charlotte H. Templin
Scott T. Templin
Tennant Fdn.
Donald J. Terras
Gary K. Thaden
F. Javier Thayer
Robert Thayer & Nancy Meade-Thayer
The Assaf Family Trust.
Stephanie Thomas
Brian A. Thompson
Patricia A. Thompson
Muriel M. Thompson
David H. Thorstad
Judy L. Thorvilson
Peter Tobias
Dr. Thomas M. Todd
Patricia J. Tollefson
Mary L. Topp
Patricia & Tokiaki Toyama
Dr. Paul V. Trescony
Mark A. Troemner
Truist-Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Minnesota
Dr. Steve Y. Tsai
Getachew T. Tsehaye
Dr. George D. Tselos
Robert H. Tucker
Donna J. Turbes
David A. Turetsky
Jean P. Turgeon
Gedney & Emily Anne Tuttle
Catherine Tweedie
Dr. Robert A. Ulstrom
Dr. Carol L. Urness
Michele Vaillancourt & Brent Wennberg
Doan Van Nguyen
Diane S. Van Weele
Mary Ann Vande Vusse
Lois M. VanDyck
John F. VanPilsum
Jill C. Vecoli
Jeffrey R. Vesel
Ryan O. Vettleson
Norman M. Vinnes
Benjamin & Susan E. B. Vizoskie
James C. Vlcek
Dr. Phillip A. Voight
Mary Lou Voigt
Dr. Vienna K. Volante
Kenneth L. Volker
Kyle D. Vraa
Cathryn & Daniel B. Wackman
Wilda A. Wahpepah
Kim W. Waldof
Lynn E. Walker
Marlana A. Wallace
Maxine H. Wallin
Constance J. Walther
Prof. Arthur E. Walzer
Chang Wang
John A. Ward
Drs. Warren J. & Henrietta H. Warwick
Marion E. Watson
Mohammad Y. Wazwaz
Debra K. Wdowychyn
Dianne K. Weaver
Dr. Margaret R. Weglinski
Katharine B. Weiblen
Maryann N. Weidt
Dagmar E. Weill
Janice L. Weiner
Dr. Gerhard H. Weiss
Mary Ellen Weller
Prof. Peter S. Wells
Wells Fargo Fdn.
Dennis H. Werling
Cynthia N. Werner
Judith L. Werthauser
Dennis E. West
& Jerry Westby
Rolf E. & Nolinda Westgard
Michael F. Whelan
John T. & Sandra G. White
Dr. Jan E. Whitman
Wheelock Whitney
Arthur E. F. Wiese Jr.
Dr. Gwen M. Willems
Elizabeth & Raymond E. Willis
Willmatt Hill Estate Sales
Morgan G. Willow
Timothy J. Wilson & Amy E. Andersen
Adelia K. Wilson
Linda Wilson
Catherine C. Wilson
Dr. Philip K. Wilson
Patricia Wilson
Larry A. & Sue L. Winans
Donna B. & Laramie M. Winczewski
DuWayne M. & Kay M. Witt
Bernard K. Wiwel
Anita Wokhlu
David A. Wood
Thomas R. Woodruff
Dr. Joseph H. Woodside
Doug Wrigglesworth
Prof. George T. Wright
Alice B. Wright
Michael L. Wroge
Charles B. Yancey
Drs. Wilson Yates & Gayle Graham Yates
Dr. Lily Hwa Yen
Doris W. Yock
Marilyn & Alan Youel
Diane C. & Nevin D. Young
Ann L. Yudchitz
Dr. Mahmood A. Zaidi
Patricia H. Zalaznik
Judith M. Zetterberg
Barbara Ziegenhagen & Patrick Higgins
Dr. Witold Zielinski
John Zygmunt

*denotes deceased

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University of Minnesota Libraries Advisory Boards and Board Members

The University Libraries rely on the generous financial contributions of the donors included in this listing. Many others give their time as well, serving on the boards of the friends groups or volunteering their talents for projects throughout the organization. We wish to thank all our donors and volunteers for their invaluable support.

Friends of the University of Minnesota Libraries

Donna Barbour-Talley
Marjorie Wall Bingham
John Cook
Aaron Doering
Mary Louise Fellows
Michael Hancher
Susan Hill Gross
Judy Hornbacher, President-Elect
Maria Jette
Thea Johansen
Julie Kelly
Karen Koepp
Pete Magee, President
John Murphy
Linda Odegard
Jan Price
Gail See
Craig Swan
Margaret Telfer
Emily Anne Tuttle
John Wright
Gayle Graham Yates

Friends of the Andersen Horticultural Library

Katherine Allen, Ex-Officio
Wendy Brockman
Shirley Kooyman
Edward Roy
Paul Schlick, President

The Givens Foundation for African American Literature Board of Directors

Ben Aase
Darlyne Bailey
Mary Franklin, Chair
Archie Givens, Jr.
Deneen Law
Arleta Little, Ex-Officio
Cecily Marcus, Ex-Officio
Herman Milligan, Jr.
Thomas Nelson
Beverly Propes
Toni Randolph
Rebecca Robinson
Davu Seru
Barbara Shin
Alvin Stafford
Debra Stone
Jasmine Stringer
Dominic Taylor
Matthew Winston

Kerlan Friends

Nancy Caffoe
Nancy Carlson
John Coy
Carol Erdahl
Karen Nelson Hoyle, Ex-Officio
Maythee Kantar, President
Verla Klassen
Debra Mitts Smith
Brian Nerney
Sarah Park
Adela Peskorz
Rob Reid
Mary Rockcastle
Julie Schumacher
Margaret Snow
Jean Stevenson

Associates of the James Ford Bell Library

Brent Bauer
Ford W. Bell, Ex-Officio
Ellen George, President
G. C. Hann, emeritus trustee
Jada Hansen
Jennifer I. Johnson
Victoria Keller
Martin Kellogg, emeritus trustee
John Larkin, emeritus trustee
Marguerite Ragnow, Ex-Officio
Curtis Roy, emeritus trustee
Wilson Yates

Friends of the Sherlock Holmes Collections

Phil Bergem
John Bergquist
Lucy Brusic
Michael Eckman
Timothy Johnson, Ex-Officio
Julie McKuras
Michael McKuras
Tim Reich
Ray Riethmeier
Steven Stilwell
Richard Sveum, President
Gary Thaden

Friends of the Tretter Collection

Matthew Antonio Bosch
Eric Colleary, Chair
Jesse Field
James Garlough
Gregory Gronseth
Jada Hansen
Anne Hodson
Kris Kiesling, Ex-Officio
Regina Kunzel
Shawn Thorson
Jean-Nickolaus Tretter
Lisa Vecoli, Ex-Officio
Phil Willkie

<a name=”deceased”></a>* denotes deceased

Mark Engebretson

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