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EQS 2024 Keynote and presentation information

Headshot of Karen Diver

Karen Diver


The featured keynote speaker at this year’s EQS will be Karen Diver, Senior Advisor to the President for Native American Affairs at the University of Minnesota. Karen will speak on “Native American Tribes and Indigenous Peoples: How Can Libraries Build Respectful Relationships.”

Karen’s talk will take place from 9-10 a.m. in the Cowles Auditorium.

Breakout presentations

We are also excited to announce this year’s presentation topics:

Adult Education Resources and Navigation Training, presented by Sophie Phan and Caspian Jensen
In this session, we will explore the importance of Adult Basic Education (ABE). There will be a live demonstration of how to use the Adult Literacy Hotline to find ABE programs near you. Flyers for the Hotline will be made readily available in multiple languages. This is a great resource if you often encounter learners who are looking for ABE classes, such as GED prep classes, English (ESL, ELL), computer, job skills and more.

All about Minitex, Minnesota’s State-Funded Library Consortium, presented by Zach Miller
Minitex offers state-funded services to all Minnesota libraries. If you aren’t taking advantage of our services, your patrons are missing out!

Art and the Business Library: Using Business Reference Principles to Start a Small Pottery Studio, presented by Alison Nelson Chabot
Presenting on how business research has informed and benefited my art. “Business research isn’t just for business students.” Part of this presentation would go over balancing Acceptable Use policy.

The Art of Observation: A Hands-on Exploration of Botanical Art, presented by Alyssa Gregory
This workshop will introduce participants to the world of botanical art through an exploration of Andersen Horticultural Library (AHL)’s collection and hands-on activities. The workshop will begin with an introduction to botanical art, highlighting works from AHL’s collection — from the 1500s to today! Participants will have an opportunity to practice their own observations through drawing exercises that emphasize the importance of looking closely at intricate details of natural specimens.

Book History 101, presented by Anna Opryszko
Working in libraries, we may handle books all the time, but how much do you know about the history behind them? Join this session to get an overview of the history of the printed book, participate in hands-on activities to understand how they were put together, and get up close and personal with old books from the Wangensteen Historical Library!

Creating a Self-Censorship Resistance Praxis, presented by Nicole Olila
Participants will have the opportunity to learn about the origin story and ongoing work of the Quatrefoil Library in Minneapolis contextualized by a creative and historical exploration of ‘what is a book’ and self-censorship. Participants will be encouraged to engage in an open and self-reflective conversation about their personal experiences with self-censorship. We will close the session with an off-line exercise designed to institute a personalized process of creating a self-censorship resistance praxis.

Creative Assemblage: Junk Journals and Collage, presented by Greta Bahnemann
In this hands-on session we will explore collages and junk journals. The presenter will provide a brief overview of some of her projects. Attendees will be supplied with a “collage packet” and time to work on their own project. No previous experience is necessary, and all materials and tools will be provided. Limit 20 participants.

Digital Accessibility in Libraries, presented by Amy Drayer
The presentation breaks down the different areas of digital accessibility from a library perspective and discusses different types of action for each area and for library employees.

ELM and Ebooks Minnesota: Resources for all Minnesotans, presented by Beth Staats
eLibrary Minnesota (ELM) and Ebooks Minnesota are information resources for all researchers, residents, students, and lifelong learners in the state. You’ve probably heard of them but perhaps have never used them. Whatever the case, Beth Staats of Minitex, will offer an overview of these resources, that are free to all Minnesota residents. In this session you will learn about the databases available in ELM, including helpful tips on accessing and locating specifc types of information.

Ethics, Copyright, and Generative AI, presented by Nancy Sims
This session will briefly explore a range ethical issues in “generative AI,” and then narrow in on copyright issues. Since most generative AI platforms are currently in the process of copyright litigation, the issues are widespread and pretty fundamental to the technology.

Getting Started with Data Collection, presented by Verena Getahun
Have you ever been asked to keep track of programs or spending at your library? Or are you a tracking pro, but lack the big picture of where it’s all going, and why? In this session, we’ll break down the data collection process into five steps, and talk about what it takes at each step to make good use of data for your library.

Good Eats: Tales from the IQ Kitchen, presented by Mary Healy and Matt Youngbauer
We’ve been cooking up programming in our I.Q. Kitchen for 5 years now. We’ll take you through the history of what it took to get a licensed demonstration kitchen installed, and how we’ve discovered the best ways to use it for programming. From the initial “vision” to the ins and outs of “shopping” for supplies, we’ll go over the steps we took and the lessons we learned in developing our I.Q. Kitchen programs, as well as sharing some ideas that you can use for inspiration in some of your own programs.

Honeycrisp and Beyond; Apple breeding at the University of MN, presented by David Bedford
The University of Minnesota has been developing new apple varieties for over 100 years, from Haralson to Honeycrisp. Learn about apple history and the process used to create new varieties for the future.

Law Library Services for Incarcerated People in Minnesota, presented by Ally Ososki and Valerie Salazar
During this session we will be discussing the Law Library Service to Prisoners (LLSP) program and looking at access to legal information to people who are incarcerated in Minnesota.

Libraries: Election Education and Civic Engagement Hubs, presented by Michael Wall
Even in a state that consistently places at or near the top of voter turnout and civic
engagement lists, many Minnesotans don’t know the Hows of voting, advocacy, and
community engagement. This session will outline interesting and impactful projects,
events, and topics your library can offer to support community members.

Making an Impact on Your Collection Policies in a Post-Pandemic Era, presented by Emily Waitz and Susan Vossberg
Collection Development Policies are essential documents in all libraries. The COVID-19 pandemic significantly changed library user behavior and subsequently collection decisions. All library staff can play a role in ensuring these policies are effective and support the library’s mission. Learn why and how to develop and influence your library’s CDP in the modern era.

More than Mazel Tov and Matzah, presented by Kate Dietrick
The Upper Midwest Jewish Archives holds a wide array of collections and materials, documenting diverse Jewish lives beyond stereotypes. Come learn about the unique stories, odd items, engaging exhibits, and special projects undertaken by archivist Kate Dietrick.

Overview of the General Employees Retirement Plan Pension, presented by Mary Voss
Will provide an overview of GERP pension. Topics covered will include what is a pension, how to calculate your pension, what happens if I retire “early” and steps required to retire.

The Past is Always Present: Mapping Prejudice, presented by Kirsten Delegard
Delegard will explain how libraries are playing an instrumental role in fostering new dialogue about the history of structural racism at a moment of increasing political polarization. Her team works with community members in communities across the state and the nation to identify racial covenants, which were clauses embedded into property deeds to keep people who were not White from buying or occupying homes. Delegard will explain why this work is important and how past practices continue to shape the landscape today. She will narrate this history, describe the innovative methodologies involved and invite audience members to think about how to address the damage wrought by these policies.

“Pod” work makes the dream work: Getting things done and supporting each other through informal work group, presented by Kat Nelsen, Kate Peterson, Lacie McMillin, and Kim Clarke
The pandemic has shown us how important, yet tenuous, our social and professional support systems can be. Through our connections to others we learn, create, receive validation, are challenged by alternative perspectives, and generally think about our work in new ways. As our lives and work increasingly resemble “normal,” many of us may be struggling to renew and reframe connections. Increased time spent working remotely, changes to organizational structures and work styles, and mental and emotional exhaustion pose serious challenges to forming the interpersonal connections that support us. At the University of Minnesota, Twin Cities Libraries, an ad hoc group of four library workers across two different departments, but engaged in similar roles, have stumbled onto a solution — what we have lovingly termed, “The Pod.” During the pandemic, many of us formed pods of various sorts; there were childcare pods, social pods, and even work pods. The idea of The Pod–a group of self-selected and self-directed folks choosing to regularly interact with each other, was necessary for avoiding all out social isolation. Only recently, did we realize just how beneficial our pod-work has been to our social and work lives. In this session, we will share our experiences forming and working in a pod, discuss the benefits and challenges of pod-work, and explore what makes a collaborative relationship work.

Public Domain: A Tower of Babel?, presented by Rachael Clark, Nancy Sims and Molly Huber
Have you ever wondered what “public domain” means? Join us to learn more about the public domain — arguably the entire purpose of copyright law! We will start with a brief presentation covering; items moving into the public domain each January 1, how we can use items in the public domain, how we share information about this in the context of our collections at MDL & UMN, and also why some public domain works may still have some restrictions on use. We’ll reserve plenty of time for questions.

Queering an Institutional Collection: Community-Engaged Best Practices, presented by Aiden Bettine (two hour session)

Part 1 will provide a history of queer archives, sharing how the Lesbian and Gay History Movement led to the growth of LGBTQ community archives across the country. Looking at the practices of these archives, a set of best practices emerge for how to do community-centered archival work.

Part 2 will share examples of community-engagement practices in the Tretter Collection and offer reflections on practices inspired by the history of queer community archiving outside of institutional archives.

Selecting Video Game Music Materials for Libraries, presented by Joshua Dieringer
Both academic and public libraries have opportunities to support video game music researchers, composers, musicians, and enthusiasts. Having a presence of video game music materials in libraries promotes awareness of the study and performance in addition to providing connections inside and outside libraries. This presentation aims to show the selection process of video game music that includes a list of video game music items along with methods and reasoning to their inclusion.

The UMN Libraries Makerspaces: Creative Hubs for Everyone, presented by Steven Bleau and Emerson Ironstone
Bags made of candy wrappers. Robots that play fetch. Plastic models of real human brain scans. What do these all have in common? They were all created at a UMN Libraries Makerspace! In this workshop, we’ll answer your most pressing questions, like: what even IS a Makerspace, and what can I do there? We’ll talk about how the Libraries Makerspaces were started, how they’re being utilized by different groups on campus, and how we develop Makerspace programming and integrate coursework. This workshop is for anyone interested in learning more about making, how to start a library Makerspace or program for one, or just wants to know how to make the most of this incredible campus resource.

Union 101 for Library Workers, presented by Nicole Masika and Maddy Flisk
The basics of how unions work and how they benefit workers. We hope to have some updates on proposed changes to the Public Employees Labor Relations Act, and there will be plenty of time for Q & A.

Vinyl Revival at Minneapolis Central Library, presented by PJ Maracle, Russell Johnson and David Westcott
We’ll be talking about the history of the Vinyl Revival program, as well as talking about our collection, programming, partners and community outreach.

Why Should I Play?: The Benefits of Board Games, presented by Ryan Johnson and Rachael Clark
Why should you spend time playing board games? From stress relief to fighting memory loss, there are benefits to playing games beyond entertainment. We’ll put this into practice at the end of the session and have time to play a few quick, fun games.

You’re in Charge, Now What?, presented by Maggie Snow and Margaret Stone
Your approach to leadership and supervision need to grow and adapt as your team grows and priorities change. In this session participants will work through scenarios and develop strategies for managing through challenging situations.


AISOS (Advanced Imaging Service for Objects and Spaces)
Images of objects (art, ethnographic objects, artifacts), scientific samples (biological, geological), and archival materials are central to many disciplines. Images are often used to convey information in publications, presentations, and exhibits, but increasingly, quantitative analyses can be carried out on images as well. There is a growing body of imaging techniques, consisting of sophisticated instrumentation and software processing, which can help researchers whose work relies on the analysis of objects, including skeletal materials, artifacts, botanical materials, biological organisms, art objects, and the like.

The Advanced Imaging Service for Objects and Spaces (AISOS) is a dedicated facility for these types of macro- and meso-scale imaging of objects in two and three dimensions. It houses advanced technology for exploring objects and artifacts with new levels of precision. AISOS is a joint project between the Department of Anthropology, researchers from departments across campus, and Liberal Arts Technologies and Innovation Services (LATIS) in the College of Liberal Arts.

MLAC (Minnesota Library Access Center)
MLAC is Minitex’s high-density storage facility for Minnesota libraries that stores and makes available important but little-used books. Unlike a library which shelves items either by subject or alphabetically by title, MLAC shelves items by size. The goal is to shelve at the highest density possible to maximize space usage.

Keep checking back for more session descriptions!

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