The ABC of It: Whose Story is Being Told?
Race, Inclusion, and Representation in Children’s Literature
with Dawn Quigley, PhD and Andrea Pinkney.
Join the University of Minnesota Libraries for an in-depth panel discussion
on bias and social justice in the world of children’s books — historically
and today. This event was created following conversations surrounding
the celebrated exhibit: The ABC of It: Why Children’s Books Matter
currently on display at the Elmer L. Andersen Library.
Friday, May 10 | Noon to 1:00 p.m. | Light refreshments at 11:45 a.m.
Elmer L. Andersen Library,
University of Minnesota,
222 21st Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN
Parking & directions:
The event is free and open to all.
Reservations are requested online at
About the panelists

With The Might of Angels cover a black pre-teen girl holding books viewed from above surrounded by white children staring at her.
Andrea Davis Pinkney, Vice President and Executive Editor, Scholastic Trade;
New York Times bestselling author and Coretta Scott King Award Winner
for Hand in Hand: Ten Black Men Who Changed America. Pinkney’s most recent title With the Might of Angels publishes in May, 2019.

Cover of Apple in the Middle by Dawn Quigley. Indigenous young adult female portrait face forward with title lettering centered on the page.
Dawn Quigley, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, St. Catherine University;
author of Silenced. Voices Taken from American Indian Characters
in Children’s Literature and the young adult novel Apple in the Middle.
Quigley’s website The Native Reader offers resources for MN Native children’s books (from Native perspectives).
For disability accommodations, or to receive this information in alternative formats, call Caitlin Marineau and 612-626-9182.
The University of Minnesota is an equal opportunity educator and employer. ©2019 by the Regents of the University of Minnesota.